TV Watching Habits

Thanks wylie. I know a number of people who work really really bloody hard and are super focussed and have 'succeeded'. By succeed I mean they are financially independent and work because they want to, not because they have to. Guess what they do when they get home? Sit in front of the telly and relax.

Yep! Guilty as charged.

Love my telly and wouldn't give it up for anything. I've learned a great deal from the old flat screen and I've shared a few good laughs in front of it too. None of my kids have suffered from it and they grew up loving Humphrey, Sesame Street and Play School. They've had their fair share of shows ranging from Beverley Hills 90210 to Jackass. They've all done exceptionally well in life and they live balanced fulfilled lives and contribute well in their community.

Its just like food and wine, all is fine really in moderation. :)
Hi all,

Glad to hear that im not the only part-time couch potato here :D

Went away over the new year period and the place i was staying had every foxtel channel. I resisted becoming totally attached to the couch but i finally got to see all those renovation shows people have been talking about.

I thought they were fantastic! So does it count as a waste of time if its educational?? Hmmm :rolleyes:
Personally I don't watch much TV at all. I never owned a set until I got married about 6 years ago, and now only watch the occasional thing if it's particularly good (currently that's only the Shakespeare Retold stories on the ABC).

I have nothing against watching TV, in moderation, but just have too many other things I prefer to do and am not interested in most things that are on.

There was a poignant Leunig cartoon some years ago that depicted a rather sad looking guy (as Leunig's often are) watching a sunset on TV, while the identical-looking sunset was happening just outside his window :rolleyes:
