What is you Home Page?

Mine is google as we used to be (until recently) dial up modem and it loaded nice and fast. But I have left it there as I do a lot of googleing:)
Rixter said:
Mine is this one :D
I didn't have that one as a home page- because the way the software was written, if I logged onto the page but didn't have enough time to read all the threads in about 20 minutes, they were all marked as read. Now that they've changed the way the software works, I might just use the same home page.

(though I might just vary it slightly to this).
In the main I use Blank as I only start my browser to do something and I find it delays me if it sits there and loads something I don't want.

At my office I load to Comsec.

I set my home page to my Del.icio.us account : http://del.icio.us/duncan_m

If you havent discovered http://del.icio.us yet its well worth a look see.. a sort of social bookmarking site.. you collect your own bookmarks and tag them with words like "property" or "simplicity" or "shares", it groups them for you and you can explore other people who have used the same tag names and visit the sites they feel are worthy of tagging.. an awesome concept..
either google or ninemsn (for glimpse of news stories) depending on what mood the computer is in as he seems to randomly change it from one to the other (note: my computer "must" be male as is stubborn and arrogant on occasion but i can always win it over in the end!).
Up until last week I had a really useful one www.apcstart.com. It was part of the compter mag's site. Was a directory with links to about 100 popular sites, all listed under various categories eg, news, shopping, finance, search engines etc.
They upgraded their site last week and now the link just points to the sites homepage. Can't find the directory page :(. Anyone used that page or knowwhere its gone, of knows of a similar directory page ?

