What other hard assets?

What other Hard Assets are there, outside of property and precious metals? that are quite simple to invest in?

I know this is a broad qstn but im a newbie and im trying to find out.. thanx
Wiki say

Hard Assets are investments with intrinsic value such as oil, natural gas, gold, silver, farmland, natural colored diamonds and commercial real estate. Typically hard assets are an excellent inflation hedge.[1][2] In general, commodities/hard assets are negatively correlated to both stocks and bonds. In other words, when stocks and bonds decline, commodities tend to appreciate.[3][4] In addition, during periods of high inflation/negative real interest rates equities and bonds do poorly (see 20% total return over 11 years from 1970 to 1981 for the S&P 500 [5] v. 1,100% increase in oil prices[6] and 550% increase in western Canada farmland prices during same period)[7][8] while commodity/hard assets appreciate in value.

What's the question?
What other Hard Assets are there, outside of property and precious metals? that are quite simple to invest in?

I know this is a broad qstn but im a newbie and im trying to find out.. thanx
My wife reckons I've got a hard asset.
Slightly out of the box, but what about investing some money into ones self? A little bit of education and knowledge can go a long way. Building a base like creating a business would be seen as a hard asset in my view.

Ive spent a bit (for me anyway) over the years - reading, invstor grps/mtgs, time and energy, a couple mentors here and there, etc etc.

Ive got enough philosphy, got energy, taking some action, got a little insight, got a basic strategy, have some contacts.........................

Just lack a little capital. Im going to need to do more of the above.:eek: