What's the dodgiest industry ?

Not shonky as such, but for overcharging, that would have to be Vets! I overheard a Vet telling a woman her dog needed two teeth extracted and it would cost her $800! She had just forked out $120 for the annual exam, immunisation and blood tests! So she left feeling guilty coz her dog may have needed the teeth out, maybe - well according to the vet it did!, but as a mother with a young family, how could she possibly afford it.

And I dont think it is a matter "if you cant afford vet bills then you shouldnt have a pet" but this is one industry that really needs some price control!
I think the fitness industry would have to be up there with the worst. Especially the big chains like Fitness First.

When you first walk in and enquire about joining a gym, a membership consultant will come see you. You will be made fill out a form giving out your details. You'll be then shown around the gym and made feel like you can lose that 10KG, get fit, or whatever goal it is you wish to obtain. They will try to make you feel special, offering 3 free Personal Training sessions and no joining fee if you join there and then.

What they don't tell you is that a joining fee is not compulsory at any gym. Never ever agree to paying one. And once you sign that bottom line, their job is done and you are locked in to a 12 month contract. Good luck trying to get out of that one, even if you meet the "exceptional circumstances" in the contract. And if you don't join there and then, they'll hound you by phone, email and mail. (tip: DO NOT give out your details on any form other than the membership or direcet debit form)

And if all of a sudden they get an influx of members who just so happen to train at the same time as you so you don't get to use any of the equipment, your stuck there for the remainder of the contract. Not much fun trying to train when there are 3 bench presses with 15 people wanting to use them. And the gym is not required to buy more equipment.

And don't get me started on the personal trainers. These days all you have to do is a 6 week course and you are qualified to instruct classes, take personal training sessions and give people advice on their diet - all without having stepped foot in a gym before the course. The Australian Institute of Fitness is a business that makes money from people doing these courses, so they just pump as many of them out as possible.

They seem to have a love for what they call "core exercises", getting complete newbies to balance on swiss balls whilst holding weights. A complete waste of time and extremely dangerous. They'll listen to all your complaints and tell you things to make you feel better, so that you'll pay another $50+ to see them again next week.

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of fantastic personal trainers out there. I am a qualified Personal Trainer myself (no longer my main source of income), and it frustrates the hell out of me how easily the qualification is given out. However most of the good ones start their own business and work out of their own studio, or open their own gym as it is much better financially for them than paying $200 per week to be allowed train members at a gym like Fitness First.

The sad thing is, people don't know any better so they put their trust in these gyms and personal trainers, and often risk their own health in doing so. Australia is the fattest nation on earth, and unfortunately there are people out there who see this large market as an opportunity to get rich, not caring at all about the persons health.
hi phil
not sure about the clergy as it depend what you see as dodgy
and also the damage that dodgyness causes.
I see a very big difference between dodgy and ripping people off and dodgy as in they hide behind a vail corporate or other.
I have met alot of dodgy people and you have to check your bag rings and chain after the meeting to make sure you still have them
clergy is a very different thing as you have to have belief in some thing and if you do not have that belief thats fine just don't go
but thats a choice and you know what you are getting with dodgy you only know what you have got after you have lost it.
the muslim education has a very interesting view on interest and bonds
and they see taht its some thing you are buying or paying for without knowing the net end return or risk
and thats true and thats the area that dodgy people work in.
so you need to work out what is dodgy and what you don't like and they are for me very very different things
I for one don't mind any form of clergy and thats catholic, jew,islamic, buddist,seik,or outhordox as they all have one thing in common
a belief
and you need a belief in some thing
and your belief is not the same as mine
but thats not dodgy.
dodgy is a person that signs you up for something and after signing you know you are not going to get it
or you buy an insurance policy from a insurance company thats not operating.
you pay for up front fee to a group that new from the satrt they could not and had no intention of getting the loan
you pay a deposit on say a boat that does not belong to the seller
and the list goes on
these are dodgy
over pricing or ripping off for a service like a vet to me is not dodgy you just don't go back and thats a costing issue as you don't know there costs
dodgy is some one that has gone out to get paid for something that they never had any chance or even idea of supplying
and thats good and services.
and groups like storm to me would fit in this bracket.
dodgy, fly by knight,johnny come lately they are all the same
some times called spives
just happens that finance, shares and higher cash flow business see them as they are like bees to a honey pot
Hi Grossreal,

Thanks for your reply. Your definition of being dodgy is …someone ’not promising what they claim to deliver’….It is precisely this point that I believe the clergy have to answer. The promises of peace, respect and knowledge just don’t live up to all the hype we have been promised. I accept religion has a place for many people, and certainly do not want to cause offence to other Somersoft members, but personally I believe religion has really run its course. I believe strongly in the freedom of the individual, without the added pressures of religious superstition and coercion. You also mentioned that being ‘ dodgy is a person that signs you up for something and after signing, you know you are not going to get it.” Well, for me that just about sums up the clergy and religion. Making people feel guilty for contemplating divorce, being homosexual or questioning dogma certainly goes against what religion says how it will behave ie, with compassion. While I understand this thread was really a bit of fun, I just thought I would clarify my position ( and response ) a bit. I feel the clergy in general, and religion specifically directly stunts the processes of a free and democratic society. I apologise for my brief response to you Grossreal, however, I have included a link from from a YouTube clip featuring Pat Condell, which is probably more articulate than I could ever be.


Phil :)
These should be close to the top of the list, in my opnion.
They prey on those who think they are "investing in education" and those who use seminars and other schemes as a procrastination or action avoidance technique. Their money would be better spent in trying to work out why they need to keep going to these things instead of actually DOING SOMETHING.
They all offer slick platitudes, emotional advertising and the promise of sharing "secrets".
There only one secret when it comes to real estate investment.
Give me $5,000 and sign up for my program and I'll tell you what it is.
OK, here it is for free.

thanx rob you saved us 6k each for a property options course seriously were considering untill doing our own reasearch
hi phil
no problem
for me any type of religion is some thing that you believe in and that can't be bought or sold and thing s they different groups allow or don't allow again is again only acceptable if you believe that also and if you don't then don't join that group.
I understand your view
not sure about the clergy as it depend what you see as dodgy and also the damage that dodgyness causes.

clergy is a very different thing as you have to have belief in some thing and if you do not have that belief thats fine just don't go
but thats a choice and you know what you are getting ....

I don't want to get into the whole religion argument, but kids who have been abused by family members, teachers and the clergy of all types didn't (and still don't) actually have a choice. Plenty of kids MADE to attend church etc and many adults in positions of power over those children who took advantage of the fact that (especially 30 years ago) kids were expected to attend services (or school, or visit the grandparents), knew that often the kids were made to come back week after week.

I believe that we parents are more willing to believe in "evil" because it is not as hidden as it was 30 years ago, so less danger these days, but the danger is still there. I am not clergy bashing, as it is a danger whenever any adult has power over a child or weaker person.

Not much choice when you are six years old...... and your parents don't believe that "uncle Bob" or "the priest" or "the teacher" or even "grandad" touched you in a bad place.
hi willie
that may well be true and there are this type of person in every culture and this rock has alot of people on it.
and what you need to have is educate in what is acceptable and whats not
with regards to any form of abuse the issue is that the parent of the person being abuse or in a position of abuse just don't either understand or know.
for me these guys are not dodgy
they are just criminals
there is a big difference between criminal and dodgy
dodgy is some one that blends in with the back ground leaves a funny feeling on your hand when you shake hands.
or is not out side the law just one step with in it
what youa re talking about is some thing very different
there is no dodgy in a criminal activity
you can't be dodgy when doing a crime
and anything like what you have discribed is not dodgy is just not lawfull and as such is criminal
and yes I agree that they need lockingup
now you can open the drawe on brides at 12 in india or wives of 9 in iran but we are not the world wide policeman so we can only look at whats legal and illegal here in aust
and doing things illegal is not for me dodgy or I would add arm bandits.
I see dodgy as some one that within the law but only just.
but rips you off and knows they can
and you have very little protection under the law as they have worked within it
that to me is dodgy
maybe my ideas are wrong but that my view
... brides at 12 in india or wives of 9 in iran but we are not the world wide policeman so we can only look at whats legal and illegal here in aust...

Yes mate I agree; but it really makes me sad, ( not to mention angry ) at this kind of activity. I remember when I worked in London in 1989 and a work collegue ( who was 40 ) was going to marry a 16 year old girl in Morocco. I couldn't believe it then and can't believe it now. Regardless of what some people of a certain religious persuasion believe; this is, nor should it be, permissable in Australian society. To turn a blind eye because of geographical or religious boudaries is just not good enough. Australian society should not be held to ransom by a vocal threatening minority.

Phil :)
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i don't think used car salesman are the problem - i think it's the cars themselves.

second / third / fourth hand car are goign to to have issues. it's usually the cheapskates that buy them, and then whinge, to all who will and won't listen, about the quality when they have to fork out money to fix them.

sorry - but when it comes to cars - pick two of the following

> cheap, fast, reliable <
sorry - but when it comes to cars - pick two of the following

> cheap, fast, reliable <

Val fitted all 3 when we got her, plus throw economical in as well (LPG)

Depends what you call fast though



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building and pest inspectors in my view are worthless twats...they cover their ar$e with fine print on every page they write up..


- no white ants seen but they could be there

- no rising damp but it could be present

then they conveniently pass the buck to another source to check....

etc etc....

better off paying a quality builder..an old guy who knows the game to inspect a property and get the property x-rayed for white ants (plenty around who may do this) to try and minimize the initial risk...

building inspectors and real estate agents are both leeches!

there you go.... :))