Where Are They Coming From?

I have been a member since 04 and if I'm not mistaken they have only been popping up fairly recently... Certainly can't remember any from 04,05,06 anyway... or maybe they appeared then, faded away and were forgotten, can someone refresh my memory?

I have noticed this in other online communities too. I don't find it amusing :(
I really don't see the fun in people being nasty to someone just to get a rise.
Humour needn't be unkind to others.
What is happening here is the same thing that happens everywhere. When its just to hard, or when people have to sacrifice things they just push the to hard button.

And guess what these will be the same people in 30 years ona pension (or possibly no pension) complaining that they don't have anything and how are they expected to live on x amount of dollars.

I think it's just a classic case of tall poppy syndrome, they can't see themself doing it so they try and cut you down to bring you back to their level. Its just not on here that it happens.

I had a comment made about me the otherday, I'm a paralegal who finsihes my law degree in 6 weeks, and someone I kow made a smart **** comment saying, "oh yeah, she thinks she is so good, and she's just a secretary, and secretary's don't earn that much"

I just laughed when i read the message, well nothing wrong with being a secretary, my 20 year old secretary is on $50k (very overpaid IMHO) but i just couldn't believe that people will just go to another level.
The way I'm deciding whether to use my 'ignore' button is in how people respond to success. e.g. YM got all defensive ("I wouldn't read API if people paid me to" - Why not? Is that a mature response?) when I told him of some forum members' successes and how he should just be humble and learn from them. Then he went all entitlement on me and said why don't the members spend time to educate and convince him why property is a good deal?

Why? What's he willing to pay? Why should any of us be responsible for his education? Does this mean he'll blame this forum for not helping him if, in 20 years, he still hasn't bought property because he always thought it was too expensive (or, when it was falling, through it was going to fall further)? Because the market will fall. When, I don't know. For how long, I don't know. What I do know is that in the long term it will be higher than now.

No thanks. I'm more than happy to share my knowledge with people who want to learn. I have no obligation to educate people who do not want to learn.

When I see people behave like that, I hit the ignore button. On the other hand, HG is actually mellowing out a bit!
Time for the nukulur option

Ok after 3 years on the forum and never have done so before I'm employing the ignore button.

Might be pressing that ignore button a few more times in the near future as well :)
The only constant is change. The forum has (apparently) changed from what it was and I guarantee it will change from what it is now.

Generally speaking, people resist and even fear change -- especially the older they get. Whereas youths and the youthful embrace it.

Like it or not, EVERYTHING is changing!
The only constant is change. The forum has (apparently) changed from what it was and I guarantee it will change from what it is now.

Generally speaking, people resist and even fear change -- especially the older they get. Whereas youths and the youthful embrace it.

Like it or not, EVERYTHING is changing!
I have some grey hair that says you are right!

I have this theory forming that it's a gen Y thing.. They are hitting their first hurdle in life that they haven't been able to bound over assisted by their parents and a generous economy and they don't like it.

Me I'm a jaded gen X who remembers the dark day's of the early 1990's and the unemployment lines, no jobs, soup kitchens and Kurt Cobain's troubled lyrics.. I take nothing for granted.

Could be generalizing here.. and mixing the soup kitchens up with another era.
I have this theory forming that it's a gen Y thing.. They are hitting their first hurdle in life that they haven't been able to bound over assisted by their parents and a generous economy and they don't like it.


I think you're right, it is mostly a Gen Y thing. The 'must have it all now' attitude means too many can't see the forest for the trees.

I bought my first home just three years ago, after working for nine months earning a $23k/pa salary. It's not that hard. The majority of people my age though, don't understand how to make it happen, and refuse to go out of their way to learn.

It's easier to blame someone else for a lack of success, rather than find out how to be successful.


I have some grey hair that says you are right!

I have this theory forming that it's a gen Y thing.. They are hitting their first hurdle in life that they haven't been able to bound over assisted by their parents and a generous economy and they don't like it.

Me I'm a jaded gen X who remembers the dark day's of the early 1990's and the unemployment lines, no jobs, soup kitchens and Kurt Cobain's troubled lyrics.. I take nothing for granted.


It's all down to experience isn't it. The negatively vocal Y's don't believe the baby boomers or Gen Xers that it will work out in the wash over time. Look at the Great Depression, that generation gave us the baby boomers. The baby boomers have had the big oil spikes and associated stagflation in the 1970's and still got on with it. Gen X'ers (and all prev generations still with us) had to deal with recessions in the 1980's, 1990's and most recently 2001/2002 bear market. There are economic and geopolitical events such as wars that are such regular occurrences in one's lifetime that all generations have to deal with.

Some of the poor vocal negative Y's haven't the personal history to reflect and place things in a constructive framework for investing and managing risk. Hopefully for them they will realise its an imperfect world and all you can do is follow an investment plan that allows for such imperfection. Some people never realise it...some too late. The lucky ones are the ones who dip a toe in the water. don't over extend themselves and are patient. If they give themselves time, and use that time to develop knowledge and skills, they can make money in most investment climates.


It's all down to experience isn't it. The negatively vocal Y's don't believe the baby boomers or Gen Xers that it will work out in the wash over time. Look at the Great Depression, that generation gave us the baby boomers. The baby boomers have had the big oil spikes and associated stagflation in the 1970's and still got on with it. Gen X'ers (and all prev generations still with us) had to deal with recessions in the 1980's, 1990's and most recently 2001/2002 bear market. There are economic and geopolitical events such as wars that are such regular occurrences in one's lifetime that all generations have to deal with.

Some of the poor vocal negative Y's haven't the personal history to reflect and place things in a constructive framework for investing and managing risk. Hopefully for them they will realise its an imperfect world and all you can do is follow an investment plan that allows for such imperfection. Some people never realise it...some too late. The lucky ones are the ones who dip a toe in the water. don't over extend themselves and are patient. If they give themselves time, and use that time to develop knowledge and skills, they can make money in most investment climates.


Excellent posts Shane & Andrew_A,

I didn't believe capital growth would really occur before I bought my first IP - that's probably because I hadn't experienced it myself. And I'm still surprised whenever a new higher val comes in.

It was a risk back then....as Shane said 5 minutes ago The lucky ones are the ones who dip a toe in the water, don't over extend themselves and are patient.....

Cheers Keith
Well I think this is still the absolute best forum in Australia. Why wouldn't lots of newbies want to join? Usually the ones who aren't really serious in investing just fade out and visit less. Others turn out to be absolute gems from which we can all learn from. This forum is like the Borg's on Star Trek with a giant collective mind. I Love it. :D
Ohhhh ... Trekkies, now I feel all warm and fuzzy! Truly a home away from home ...

I guess we can now answer the question of "Where Are They Coming From?"

The Expanse, clearly... ;)

and - like a borg ship - you plant a positive and encouraging, yet new, idea into the collective and it forms a positive life of it's own ...