White guilt and racism double-standards

I am sure you didn't mean any offense. Like I said it's my pet peeve so I may be more sensitive to it. Thin skin is a personality trait and has nothing to do with being a migrant or being born here.

It's good to know that you realised that no offense was intended.

I referred to "thin skins" because of my involvement on a daily basis with people from many different cultures, and the tip-toeing around trying hard not to accidentally say something insulting is exhausting.
Originally Posted by WinstonWolfe
Canada has a significant portion of French speaking. We have nothing like that.
Just thought I would point out that Canada has a large french speaking portion due to the fact that that portion was actually settled by the french......
And the French Canadians hate the English as much there as they do in France. Now there's a racially tolerant nation. :eek: :eek: At one time they wanted to remove any words with English roots from their language. What would our's be like if we removed "foreign" words?
It's good to know that you realised that no offense was intended.

I referred to "thin skins" because of my involvement on a daily basis with people from many different cultures, and the tip-toeing around trying hard not to accidentally say something insulting is exhausting.

It's really interesting how people rationalize their behavior,it's a new word to me "thin skins",i come from a German background,my late Father had the numbers on his arm all his life from what happened to him under Hitler,he came to this country with nothing,my wife is from SEA,our daughters all look half Asian ,your Heritage is your Heritage but as you will find over time,your soul is who you really are..:)..
I think you face less racism if you are confident and have a good command of English.

For the record....I am an equal opportunity discriminator....I hate everyone equally!!;):p

Just kidding....I have little time for racists....usually they are insecure. As I said before Australia is a now a non-white immigrant which has many religions. There is nothing....repeat....nothing some racist idiots can do to influence government policy back to the old white Australia policy. Australia has too much at stake economically. Humans harte change....yet it is the only constant....just look at history.

In about 50 years.....this will become a honey coloured country with a mix of races as people marry across race lines....it is very prevalent now. For the most part it will be peaceful.

For the people who long to go back to 50s where it was very anglo-saxon, white and racist to non-whites particularly the Aboriginals.....they need think about immigrating somewhere else....can't think of any country which has this policy now.

This is a free country...people can say and do anything so long it does not break any state or federal laws.

My thoughts.....
Sunfish said:
And the French Canadians hate the English as much there as they do in France. Now there's a racially tolerant nation. At one time they wanted to remove any words with English roots from their language. What would our's be like if we removed "foreign" words?

We wouldn't have a language left, would we?!?
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English is a hybrid of many different languages including from Gaul, Germanic and Scandanavian roots.

there WOULD be nothing left, except maybe the names of colours and cities....
English is a hybrid of many different languages including from Gaul, Germanic and Scandanavian roots.

there WOULD be nothing left, except maybe the names of colours and cities....

Exactly! And if we removed the words with Latin (also the root of many European languages such as French, Spanish, Italian) and Greek roots, the only thing left would be things like "bludger" and other Aussie-isms.

(And now you're going to tell me that bludger comes from the old Icelandic work for lazy :D)
I often ponder the racism thing......

Funny how countries all around the world proclaim to be non-racist yet there are still wars (all wars ?) raging around the world that are rooted in the same....?

Anyway, what is racism exactly....? Is it a bad thing...why...? Who says so...?

Whats wrong with 'protecting' your race against a perceived threat from another....?

The world will never be at one I'm afraid.....I'd be the first to welcome it and if it does then something else will cause the trouble I'm sure...?

Sounds cynical but I think it a reality as against wishful thinking.

We've never seen total harmony yet.....but as some say...past performance is not always a guide to future 'gains'...so there is hope yet...;)
I often ponder the racism thing......

Funny how countries all around the world proclaim to be non-racist yet there are still wars (all wars ?) raging around the world that are rooted in the same....?

Anyway, what is racism exactly....? Is it a bad thing...why...? Who says so...?

Whats wrong with 'protecting' your race against a perceived threat from another....?

The world will never be at one I'm afraid.....I'd be the first to welcome it and if it does then something else will cause the trouble I'm sure...?

Sounds cynical but I think it a reality as against wishful thinking.

We've never seen total harmony yet.....but as some say...past performance is not always a guide to future 'gains'...so there is hope yet...;)

because racism is acting on the fear of difference. understanding the difference may not make you liek it anymore, but the fear and the unknown is gone and you are less likely to be swept up in hype - think Cronulla. EVERYONE got bashed from all sides of the street.

how did that help anyone?

it's immature, xenophobic and carries a mob mentality. it harps back to tribal days - would we all like to walk an invisible line between two trees marking the tribal border? have you seen what devastation comes through intolerance in the Sudan?

the "diluting" of one race over another through interracial breeding actually STRENGHTENS the human race.

diseases affecting asians, only infect about half the afro-asian population.

dieases affecting africans, only infect half the afro-anglo population.

diseases affecting anglos, only infect half the asian-anglo population.

and so on and so forth. racial segregation or genocide - ala Hitler, Pol Pot, Slobodan Milocevic - will be the end of the human race if it is allowed to flourish.
Totally agree BC....but are we Australians, as a whole, racist as accused lately...?

Are we indeed engaging in segregation and genocide....? As a nation...?

No...so I want to know the exact meaning of racist (for the purpose of persecution) and who it applies to based upon your definition as I believe that is the real thing.

Not to be accused we are as a whole a rasict country.
should we just stuff them in detention until they .....understand capitalism and the nuances of the property market before we allow them in?

Ha, immigrants understand it better than a lot of "aussies", been that way for decades and good on them.

I tend to judge by stupidity not race. I can't stand idiots, and there's a hell of a lot of them out there! :rolleyes:
I am entitled to like, or dislike, people i meet based on my perception of their personality and honesty, and of course, their attitude towards me. Now, should I meet 100 similar people and find that 95% of them are disagreeable to me and indeed dislike me: Is it "racist" of me to condemn them as a group?

I accept that it would be if I never gave any individual a "chance" to prove him/herself but I think any opinion held to be honestly come by and that I have a right to hold it.
funny you should say that...did you know that the word "bludger" comes from an ancient Icelandic origin....?


I vaguely recall that it's from an old French word, referring to a tool used for rendering a foe unconscious with a heavy blow to the head; usually the victim wouldn't do much work afterwards.


Went hunting, quickly.


Kinda close. Didn't know about the pimp thing.
OK, here's a not so concise attempt to clarify my views....which seem to need clarifying because as soon as I stand up for the values of our Anglo/English heritage (think political and legal systems, property rights, welfare, education, Christian rooted compassion and volunteer spirit), those with only two pigeon holes to slot people (either low browed red neck racist or enlightened new age high minded humanitarian), a few want to label moi as the former.

- I accept Australia needs migration.

- I don't care stongly where migrants come from as long as they have thought hard about why they want to come to Australia, with its predominant anglo Christian heritage and values, and english language.....and after thinking hard about it, have determined they want the opportunity and freedom our prevailing system offers more than they want to hold to the values and system they are so motivated to flee.

- I expect migrants to study, understand, and respect Australia's Anglo Christian heritage, and its role in evolving the political, legal, law enforcement, health care, and education system that has delivered us all the benefits of the democracy we enjoy today. Sure, I accept it isn't perfect, but show me anywhere else in the world that is better....and why we should change our system.

- I expect migrants to have the attitude that Australian citizenship is a highly valued privilege granted to them, not a right.....and that there are thousands, if not millions, who are competing with them for the privilege to come here.

- I expect migrants, especially from developing nations, to understand that Australian citizenship is a shortcut to a better lifestyle in a developed nation. The better lifestyle they have the privilege of experiencing, is something previous citizens with particular values have built. This should underscore the sense of privilege they feel in being here.

- I expect intending migrants to think carefully about their fellow countrymen, who they leave behind to continue a life compromised by developed world standards. I expect them to think about why they don't stay where they came from and organize themselves into strong groups who lift their country up to a developed standard, rather than fleeing it.

- I expect migrants to come here with a hell of a lot more than an economic opportunistic motivation, or an eye on our overly generous welfare benefits.

- I expect migrants to come here with a sense of community, not a sense of insularism.

- I expect migrants not to treat Australia as a remittance economy, from which they can extract capital to send back to their place of origin to fund wars, crime, and black market economies.

- I expect migrants come here to start a new life of new hope, rather than cling to the prejudices, nationalism, and fighting they may be fleeing.

- I accept that migrants accepted on humanitarian grounds and as part of family streaming, are on the whole a net economic cost to Australia for several decades after they arrive. This is born out in many official government reports. though I also accept there are exceptions, though these are not enough to counter the non exceptions. Therefore, I believe Australia should only accept as many of these category of migrants as does not adversely effect the prevailing quality of life. Those who argue otherwise should openly declare how many of the world's millions who seek a better life overseas, Australia should accept each year.

- I accept that Australia has unskilled and uneducated people who do not have their job security protected by a professional organization, like the professions do. These people are more likely to have migrants compete with them for work, education spots, and housing (in an undersupplied market). Hence, it is natural they may develop animosity towards migrants if the migration rate is not sensitive to their needs. I expect our government to weight this factor when setting our migration rate.

- I accept Australia's elites support high migration out of self interest.
High migration will increase asset prices due to population pressure, capitalists will benefit from downwards pressure on unskilled and skilled wages. A larger population increases market size which increase potential profits.

- I accept the greatest antagonists to a high migrant intake are the unions, extreme green groups, and those from poorer socioeconomic groups.

- I accept that migrants from differing backgrounds will not compete 'equally' in a developed world economy. Whether it is due to their command of english, age, education level, cultural or religious views, accumulated capital, or whatever, Australia can not ignore this when setting its immigration policy.

These are my views. I accept a minority with a different mindset and motives, do not share them.
Don't expect much, do you?

Honestly, the question isn't what do you expect of immigrants, but ratherdo you expect the same from those born and bred in Australia, regardless of race, religion, sex, etc...
Great post WW,

I have just forward your list in an email to the Dept of Immigration and Citizenship to be included in the Pledge of Commitment at Citizenship Ceremonies.

I'm expecting a reply immediately....

I am entitled to like, or dislike, people i meet based on my perception of their personality and honesty, and of course, their attitude towards me. Now, should I meet 100 similar people and find that 95% of them are disagreeable to me and indeed dislike me: Is it "racist" of me to condemn them as a group?

I accept that it would be if I never gave any individual a "chance" to prove him/herself but I think any opinion held to be honestly come by and that I have a right to hold it.

and well put Sunfish.

Regards JO