Would you rent to your ex wife/husband???

I say no, don't do it

I have an IP with my Ex renting it off me, She gets very emotional.

Very hard to do business with emotions running high.

But the positive is that I self manage and save about $5000pa but the negitive is dealling with the tenant:(
Never deal with anything that involves emotion when in business, which is what property investment is.

The fact you asked the question tells me emotion crept into the decision, even if its just a little.
I would have to say that I am in agreeance with the majority here. I don't think it would be a good idea. Why choose a tenant where there is a likelihood of being problems, no matter how remote? There are plenty of other tenants out there.
I have rented a fair bit and you can always see the name of the owner on the rental forms you sign so you couldn't keep it a secret from her. I wouldn't do it as it just adds one more risk you can do without