You become what you think about most

I have totally changed my thinking from being totally negative (it was the way I was bought up) to being totally positive. It took about 2 years but is a case of being constantly vigilant and realising :that is my mothers negative voice in my head again: take out the negative tape and replace it with positive. Hard work, but so well worth it.
Controlling that negative voice in our head

I have totally changed my thinking from being totally negative (it was the way I was bought up) to being totally positive.

Apparently that negative voice in our head plays at a 1:4 ratio. How’s that for negative concept!!!

I understand we can’t get rid of the negative thoughts because of years of programming; however we can control it, by 1) realising the negative response, then 2) looking for the positive to replace it.

So while we may have negative thoughts in the background, it all depends on what we focus on.

keep in mind that out of adversity comes opportunity!!!

As a penguin once noted in the movie Surfs Up; winners see their goals & never give up on finding a way.

I can relate to that.

Isn’t it amazing what we can learn stuff like this from penguins!!!

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