A bit of Spider fun.

I hate them with a purple passion but have a fascination too. This one moves too fast for me even though I know its not real. You should see the size of the ones we get in this old house. I have realised they go out if I leave them for 3 days, luckily they are usually up high on the 15' ceilings, except the one I woke up to find on the wall not 2ft from my nose. Climbed over husband (who stuck his head under the covers) found the spray and drowned it in white, then it fell off the wall and into my shoe, still tried to get away and with heart pounding I was able to put it outside, I swear it was the size of a saucer. (His highness said later he thought I was killing mozzies!)
My wife is an extreme arachnophobic, so of course; I took great delight in calling out; "darl; come and see this". :D:eek: