Anthony Robbins - Unleash The Power Within (Sydney - March 4 - 7, 2011)


Has anyone ever been to this Anthony Robbins event?

If so, did you find it was worth it and was it profitable to you?
Hi Guys,

I'm just wondering if anyone has been to one of these Anthony Robbins seminars before?

It looks good, but i'm starting to wonder whether it really will be profitable, or if by going to this I will just be pis**ing away my money.
If you are not sure if you want to part with your monies. Maybe you would like to go to Australian version of "Anthony Robbins" ie Chris Howard. You can attend for free over 2 1/2 days over the weekend. If not, you may choose to attend A Robbins' seminar afterall.

Hope this helps.


(PS; I have attended both and find them both helpful)
Found it way too American - very hype up etc etc - if that works for you great - but I found myself being a bit too cynical and looking for the various sells they do (constant) to get a lot out of it. Also at least one full day is video now (partner went years ago when it was three days of AR and one day of other guy - found it good but a lot less sell intensive)
Thanks for the replies.

While I think I would get 'something' out of the seminar, I think my money will stay in my offset account :)
Awaken The Giant Within

I read his book - Awaken The Giant Within - many years ago and it struck a cord with me. Right time, right place I suppose.

Perhaps reading his books if you havn't already done so may be prudent.

I am off the opinion that seminars of any kind are only good if you really want to change/lose weight/get rich through property (snigger).

That my 2 bobs worth.

I read his book - Awaken The Giant Within

Not questioning whether you got value from the book or not.

There is a story that he paid a couple of people a small amount of money to write the various chapters and ended up with a bestseller!