Aussie drug dealers (alleged)

The chicken or the egg?

The depression/illness or the illegal drugs?

From personal observations I'm starting to believe the mental problems may be there already, and that illegal drugs are initially used as a form of self medication.

Answer is get rid of them and address the root problems.

Getting rid of illegal drugs has not proved possible so far, but has created a huge black market.

Could legalising all illicit drugs be the way? Clinically administering them that is.

We might have brought our children up to the best of our ability, but unfortunately there is always going to be other influences on them including their current environment, genetics etc.

Doesn't matter how many people like those 9 in Bali we kill, lock up etc, it won't make one bit of difference as far as our children are concerned.

It may help us feel that we are more in control though.

To those that believe Chapelle Corby is innocent, can someone explain to me how this student financed her 8 trips to Bali over the past 12 months (allegedly), how the people who say she lived the highlife in Bali (allegedly) are mistaken, why her sister lives in Bali (allegedly) and what she was doing in Bali on this occasion. Thanks.
I cant understand why she was taking the green herb to's like taking sand to the beach ???

Every 3rd person over there offers you the stuff (remember its a class 1 drug over there..the same basket as Heroin) from what i've heard it's cheaper there than here so again why take sand to the beach???

If you're ever asked at the airport have your bags ever left your sight..of course they have; after they left you and went to the plane, through baggage handlers, customs out the back ..etc

PS- Dont put your clothing in one of those *vacuum packs* if you visit the US of A..or anywhere else 'cannot' get it all back in once they check it and break the vacuum seal..
Glebe said:
To those that believe Chapelle Corby is innocent, can someone explain to me how this student financed her 8 trips to Bali over the past 12 months (allegedly), how the people who say she lived the highlife in Bali (allegedly) are mistaken, why her sister lives in Bali (allegedly) and what she was doing in Bali on this occasion. Thanks.

Tell me you're joking - please...

Who said she lived the high life in Bali?

My mother, my girlfriend and 3 others are flying to Bali in two weeks - should I insist they refrain from enjoying themselves too much just in case they raise your ire?

What does it matter that her sister lives in Bali - she is married to an Indonesian gentleman... where would you expect them to live? Somalia?

You've spent your valuable time formulating some very insightful questions, so may I take the time to ask some of you - Do you know how much 4.2kg of marijuana costs in Australia, compared to how much you can sell it for in Indonesia?

Best wishes,

"Do you know how much 4.2kg of marijuana costs in Australia, compared to how much you can sell it for in Indonesia?"

I've got no clue but I would love to know. I am told the quality is better of the stuff being taken up there.
Glebe said:
To those that believe Chapelle Corby is innocent, can someone explain to me how this student financed her 8 trips to Bali over the past 12 months (allegedly), how the people who say she lived the highlife in Bali (allegedly) are mistaken, why her sister lives in Bali (allegedly) and what she was doing in Bali on this occasion. Thanks.

This is yet another demonstration of how the media can spin things.

Most of the media has decided that Corby is innocent and that the Bali 9 are guilty. Articles are slanted to contain the facts and views that correspond with these opinions.

It's better to wait for the court cases to conclude for something closer to the truth.

It is so easy to add bias to a media report - even unintentionally!



PS: I'm not (and never have) offered an opinion on the guilty or innocence of any of the parties involved in these cases. That's a matter for the appropriate authorities. The guilty should be punished and rehabilitated appropriately - but not before they are proven guilty beyond doubt.
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Jamie said:
Do you know how much 4.2kg of marijuana costs in Australia, compared to how much you can sell it for in Indonesia?

Best wishes,



No idea mate. What's the answer?

Glebe said:
To those that believe Chapelle Corby is innocent, can someone explain to me how this student financed her 8 trips to Bali over the past 12 months (allegedly), how the people who say she lived the highlife in Bali (allegedly) are mistaken, why her sister lives in Bali (allegedly) and what she was doing in Bali on this occasion. Thanks.

Good questions Glebe. I think she travels there frequently because her sister lives there and is married to a Balinese man. But not sure how she finances her regular trips - i believe she travels there about 4-5 times a year.

Perhaps when one travels to Bali so frequently, one can get a bit blase and think that bringing some weed over is an easy way to help out her sibling and inlaws. I'm sure her sister and husband could have easily sold the cannabis to other tourists. If i was a tourist in Bali and smoked the herb, i'd feel more comfortable buying it from an Aussie expat.

I imagine that if you're a regular visitor to a country, the police and immigration know about it and would keep a closer eye on you.

My cousin lives on the Gold Coast and smokes a lot of cannabis. He alleges to me that he buys it from a **** relative and that allegedly he is one of the bigger cannabis dealers on the coast. Not sure if a connection can be drawn here though. :confused:

PS: 4kg of weed costs about $24,000 in Australia. But if you grew it yourself hydroponically, it will cost you about $1,200 in chemicals and equipment.
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nomadic said:
My cousin lives on the Gold Coast and smokes a lot of cannabis. He alleges to me that he buys it from ***edit*** and that allegedly he is one of the bigger cannabis dealers on the coast. Not sure if a connection can be drawn here though. :confused:

That is a serious allegation to make on a public forum.

Mrs Bird
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nomadic said:
My cousin lives on the Gold Coast and smokes a lot of cannabis. He alleges to me that he buys it from ***edit*** and that allegedly he is one of the bigger cannabis dealers on the coast. Not sure if a connection can be drawn here though. :confused:

Gee, being in the criiminal justice system myself a statement as in the one above is definitely the same as waving a Red Flag for Big Brother to follow up on!
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Mrs Bird said:
That is a serious allegation to make on a public forum.

Mrs Bird

As you can see i have edited the alledged name to protect the identity of the person. I am not a lawyer and my legal knowledge is not that great that's why i've erred on the side of caution.

However i was under the impression that using the word "alleged" indicates that the event is said to have taken place but has not been verified.

Taken from

An alleged incident is an event that is said to have taken place but has not yet been verified. In their zeal to protect the rights of the accused, newspapers and law enforcement officials sometimes misuse alleged. Someone arrested for murder may be only an alleged murderer, for example, but is a real, not an alleged, suspect in that his or her status as a suspect is not in doubt. Similarly, if the money from a safe is known to have been stolen and not merely mislaid, then we may safely speak of a theft without having to qualify our description with alleged.
Rixter said:
Gee, being in the criiminal justice system myself a statement as in the one above is definitely the same as waving a Red Flag for Big Brother to follow up on!

I think you'll find that Big Brother is already following up on it as it's their duty to do so. I'm sure you're aware that the media are very selective in what and how they publicise information and there is a lot of information that hasn't been disclosed to the public (yet).

I wonder if Schapelle had her urine tested for any drugs including marijuana when she was arrested? If she had a positive or negative result, i wonder if this would have been publicised?

Perhaps once the trial, a lot of this information will come out. Hopefully Schapelle will be found not guilty and she can then come back to Australia, be managed by Harry M. Miller, do the media circuit and give interviews etc.
nomadic said:
Perhaps once the trial, a lot of this information will come out. Hopefully Schapelle will be found not guilty and she can then come back to Australia, be managed by Harry M. Miller, do the media circuit and give interviews etc.

LOL Nomadic! I like your comical skepticism if only it wasnt sooooo true :)
Tho I think it more suits a movie script :D
i heard something about a couple of other OZ kids (incl a 15 yr old) caught in Hong-Kong after a tip-off from the AFP to authorities...

Trying to bring in Herion internaly in condoms and being paid $200 p/c (up to 20 c each)

anyone else heard this?,5744,15025645%5E2702,00.html

Teen mules 'agreed for $200 a condom'
Simon Parry, Hong Kong
April 20, 2005
A 15-YEAR-OLD McDonald's worker and a 17-year-old trainee hairdresser caught with a $1million haul of drugs in a Hong Kong hotel had allegedly agreed to act as "mules" to carry the illicit cargo into Australia by swallowing heroin-filled condoms at $200 for each package.

The pair, Chris Vo, 15, and Rachel Ann Diaz, 17, now face 20 years in a Hong Kong prison.

Sources told The Australian Vo allegedly agreed to swallow "at least 20" condoms..
Hi people

Nomadic, I believe that Corby was tested and the result was negative......As for whether or not the AFP did the wrong or right thing, well lets just say that not all of the information concerning the circumstances is disclosed for public viewing.....As for the media, well they are the media and they are renowned for sensationalising stories and not providing the full story.

I agree with Acey on "Harm Minimisation Strategies" such as rehabilitation and the methods being utilised to divert people with minor drug offences from the Criminal Justice System. Incarceration does not guarantee abstinence for drug users, as drugs tend to be readily available in prisons. I do believe in harsh penalties for the people involved in overseeing and organising these drug importations, as they are opportunistic, ruthless, are dangerous to society and have no respect for human life.

If the allegation against Andrew Chan are substantiated then let the Indonesians do what they will with him. For someone to use violence and threats of death to force another human being into doing something is disgusting.

My thoughts

Profiteer ;)
Glebe said:
To those that believe Chapelle Corby is innocent, can someone explain to me how this student financed her 8 trips to Bali over the past 12 months (allegedly), how the people who say she lived the highlife in Bali (allegedly) are mistaken, why her sister lives in Bali (allegedly) and what she was doing in Bali on this occasion. Thanks.

Did some fact checking...

1) She didn't make 8 trips to Bali. Her last time there was 4 years ago.
2) Those people were lying
3) Her sister is married to an Indonesian
4) She was visiting her sister


Does that clear things up for you.

