Draft Logan Planning Scheme 2014

wonder what's the best use for a 700m2+ corner block?

can you subdivide, so we have 2 x 350m2 on 2 titles?

or is it just build a duplex styled (ie attached with common wall) for dual occupancy but still on 1 title for the 700m2 land?

if dual occupancy, can the new dwelling be detached? For example leaving existing home, and build secondary dwelling on the side...?
RR101, probably best to ask a Logan Council planner about whether the dual occupancy requires a subdivision with subdivision fees under the confirmed Logan Plan

My understanding is dual occ for an eligible corner block is 2 separate dwellings, so yes, a separate house is built on the block from the existing house

It's the granny flat they have to decide if there is to be an attached wall between the main house and granny flat or can the granny flat be built as a separate dwelling. That is what Council is debating about and we should get some clarity in the confirmed Logan Plan (hopefully!)

A Logan planner did mention to me some weeks ago to keep watching the website space on the Draft Logan Plan. Late Sept it's supposed to be out but who knows?

They've said late 2014 on the website
But imho, could be anytime between late Sept and Dec
Thanks BG, always such a great help for for SS community.

I am taking an example in Blacktown council where I live. Though they allow dual occupancy in attached or detached dwelling and the 2 dwelling can be rented separately etc... they do not allow any torens, strata or community title, effectively limit to 1 title.

i understand every council, state to be different in this regards. I wouldn't want to subdivide as the 20K infrastructure fee imposed in BNE, but wanted to check out my options
It's the granny flat they have to decide if there is to be an attached wall between the main house and granny flat or can the granny flat be built as a separate dwelling. That is what Council is debating about and we should get some clarity in the confirmed Logan Plan (hopefully!)

In the draft plan they did allow for both - attached and separate. But for dual key ie able to rent out - it had to be attached. If using for same household, then it could be separated. One would think it should have been the opposite as separate households would for privacy reasons seek a separate dwelling.

Certain noise is never welcome.
In the draft plan they did allow for both - attached and separate. But for dual key ie able to rent out - it had to be attached. If using for same household, then it could be separated. One would think it should have been the opposite as separate households would for privacy reasons seek a separate dwelling.

Certain noise is never welcome.

Yes, Logan not making sense on this one.
Hey everyone just a question about "Low Density Residential - Suburban Precinct" in draft Logan planning scheme. It says minimum lot size is 350m2 so does that mean if we have a 700+m2 block you could subdivide it?


From my understanding, Dbz, a subdivision under the Draft Logan Scheme for LDR - Suburban - requires a non-corner lot to have a minimum front lot size of 350m and a rear lot size (excluding rear lot access way) of 600m. That means a non-corner lot size requires approximately 1000m in order to be eligible for subdivision (separate titles) and a corner lot size requires 700m. Minimum frontage required for subdivision is recommended to be 15m in Draft Plan and is 15m in the current Logan Planning Scheme.

However, according to the Draft Plan, for tenancy to separate parties, the original piece of house and land that you are buying/owning does not need to be a minimum land size for a 'secondary dwelling' (dual key/dual living) to pre-exist or to be built on it.

The size the 'secondary dwelling' can be (70m or above) is still being worked out and whether the 'secondary dwelling' must be attached or whether it can be freestanding is still being worked out. Or maybe it's worked out already, but the details are being kept confidential :p

If anyone knows anymore about the Draft Plan and the direction it is going as it goes into the phase of 'being confirmed', please share.

I hope this helps and I'm not confusing you :D

The direction is there - to allow 'secondary' dwellings to be rented out to separate parties, regardless of whether the 'secondary dwelling' is attached to the primary dwelling or freestanding. In Low-density residential areas.

Definition of 'Secondary Dwelling' in Logan Draft Plan 2014 April

A secondary dwelling is a dwelling, used in
conjunction with, and subordinate to, a dwelling
house on the same lot. A secondary dwelling
may share a common wall or be free standing.

Definition of 'Secondary Dwelling' according to Queensland Planning Provisions (QPP) in late 2013

A dwelling, used in conjunction with, and subordinate to, a dwelling
house on the same lot. A secondary dwelling may be constructed under a dwelling house, be attached to a dwelling house or be free standing.

Whether the direction/stance is approved by the State Govt is up to the State Govt probably early 2015, earliest Jan 2015.
From my understanding, Dbz, a subdivision under the Draft Logan Scheme for LDR - Suburban - requires a non-corner lot to have a minimum front lot size of 350m and a rear lot size (excluding rear lot access way) of 600m. That means a non-corner lot size requires approximately 1000m in order to be eligible for subdivision (separate titles) and a corner lot size requires 700m. Minimum frontage required for subdivision is recommended to be 15m in Draft Plan and is 15m in the current Logan Planning Scheme.

Thanks Beanie Girl, always helpful. I was curious as my recent purchase is 20m frontage and 38m deep and although i purchased it with no subdivision intentions i thought the rectangular block and 20m frontage could easily be split in half and still satisfy the 350m2 rule :p
Revised Logan Planning Scheme 2014 is out today - quite exciting
It's got interactive mapping, FAQs, answers to submissions...

A lot of the information quoted below comes from 'Submissions analysis and response report'


The new planning scheme introduces a new type of development called "Auxiliary Unit".

Key Changes in the Logan Planning Scheme is allowing 'auxiliary units' (subordinate dwelling) to be rented out by another household

It is self-assessable (no need for approval from Council).
"No development permit is required if the proposal meets the self
assessable criteria".

No minimum land size for the original block/property for an 'auxiliary unit'
Auxiliary unit can be attached or detached from main/principal dwelling, it can still be rented out to another household

Allowing Dual Occupancy (auxiliary unit) on same lot.
"allows for two dwellings on a single lot to be rented out separately".

"The planning scheme has a new dwelling type known as a Dual Occupancy "Auxiliary unit".
If an existing secondary dwelling meets the requirements for an Auxiliary unit, one of the dwellings on the property could be rented on the private rental market. However it would not be possible to separately title the dwellings.
The intention of the Auxiliary unit development type is to increase housing choice in Logan by allowing the development of small scale dwellings (that is, one or two bedrooms) alongside existing housing throughout the city.
This approach will provide an additional dwelling to accommodate a
family member, a separate person, a couple, or a family looking for a smaller home".

"Additionally, the new planning scheme introduces a new type of development called "Auxiliary Unit".
This development permits the development of small scale (70m2 to 100m2) units on existing sites, in all residential and rural zoned land in Logan".
Oh I forgot this piece of information!

Logan Council will not apply infrastructure charges for Secondary dwellings or Auxiliary units. This is to ensure the product remains an affordable and viable housing option.
No minimum land size for the original block/property for an 'auxiliary unit'
Auxiliary unit can be attached or detached from main/principal dwelling, it can still be rented out to another household

Great news all round...but not sure about "no minimum land size"

I hope they do have some controls around the auxillary unit scheme, otherwise I can see Logan turning into a bigger s**thole full of greedy investors turning every square metre of land into rentable space (myself included :D )
I can find this response about corner lots so far under 'Submissions and Response":

Dual Occupancy

Question: Allow corner lot relaxations to apply to properties with two road

Answer: Reduced lot sizes for dual occupancies on corner lots were developed due to the minimal design impact from the street of this kind of development. A property with a dual road frontage would provide a similar development opportunity.

The planning scheme has therefore been amended as requested to reduce the lot sizes for properties with two road frontages when developing Dual occupancies.
Thanks Beanie Girl, sounds like positive news for investors :) Might see quite a few granny flats popping up soon.

Yes, besides building a detached/freestanding'Auxiliary unit' (dual occupancy 'granny' flat),
some investors could possibly turn the downstairs of their highset into a 'granny' flat ;)
doesnt need to be attached?

Am i reading it right? That to let out a granny to a different household it doesnt have to be attached as was the proposal in initial draft?