Has anyone heard about.......

Hi Guys

Has anyone heard about a guy called Spiro Kladis who runs
Cashflow Capital Pty Ltd.

I've been checking his website and he is offereing IP's with 8 - 11% yield. I am not sure how credible he is or the stock that his promoting, hopefully I'll be able to receive some feedback +ve or -ve

They quote properties with returns of between 6 and 10% return. Nice.

With finance at 8% now, cfp is not possible on these returns.

It MAY be possible AFTER TAX.

If you add to the purchase price their fee which is no doubt a few grand or more, then these figures don't add up.

Not saying they are dodgy; just BE CAREFUL.

Do your own number crunching.

Another thing; look at the areas where these properties are. They may be in low cap growth areas, with limited rental demand.
Agree with your comments Marc, when I spoke to the managing director on the phone and questioned him about his statements, he got slightly agitated and become quite rude. I think his someone I wouldn't be comfortable dealing with. Thanks
I remember seeing another one of these types of websites a couple of years ago.

At the time, I was doing some research on Katherine in the N.T. They had good rent returns, and there was the proposal for a new h'way from Alice to Darwin, which would bring Katherine into the limelight to a degree; maybe some cap growth to go with the rent returns.

I was trying to contact some of the local agents to find out info such as rental demand, vacancy percentages, demographics etc, etc.

I saw this house for sale, and emailed the agent about it. Never heard back after 3 attempts and thought it was strange.

I found out from another source that the town had a large Aboriginal population, and they had been causing large disruptions to the community, the rental scene (vandalism and non-payment of rent), basically cuasing a climate not attractive for investors. Don't attack me for that statement all the race do-gooders; I am only repeating what was said to me.

So I then gave the whole place a miss after no success with the agent, and also finding that there were no local agents as such. Not good.

So, back to this website; about 3 months later, I saw this site, and here was this same house for sale, for $10k more than I saw it advertised for, claiming it was cashflow positive.

That's the danger with these sites I believe; they are relying on the buyer not doing any, or little due diligence. They expect to be able to sit back, do no work and fork out a couple of grand or five, for the privelidge of letting someone find them a great investment. But then get ripped off.
So, back to this website; about 3 months later, I saw this site, and here was this same house for sale, for $10k more than I saw it advertised for, claiming it was cashflow positive.

Yep! I have seen properties advertised on the same site that I had looked at. The price was grossly inflated to what was advertised with the R/E though. There is one regional town where I spoke to the Agent who said that a lot of their rental stock is bought through this site & a couple of others.
I guess it is a little like using a buyers agent without as much help. I guess he wouldn't be giving away the locations of any of these properties without first having some type of commitment from the buyer?
In fact he asks that people pay $500 to join his group and once they pay the fee - he the director discloses the location and further details on the properties.

I guess it is a little like using a buyers agent without as much help. I guess he wouldn't be giving away the locations of any of these properties without first having some type of commitment from the buyer?

Well, yes... but it wouldn't do his cause any good for you to know that the properties were duds in crap locations either.

Also; it doesn't matter if you know where, as they have the property.

There was another poster over on Steve's site asking about one such crowd, and they were asking $8,995 + GST finder's fee for a $340k property.