humorous surnames

I know of a police woman with the surname of Co*k. Her first name is Ophelia. :eek:

She married into the surname..I would have kept maiden name.
I tried to be so careful with my kids' names.

A Veronica would have had the initials VW.

Theresa would have been a Twitfield.

And Fiona would have been F Whit.

So I thought I was quite safe with Monica.

Until she went to a French speaking school in the Clinton years and was nicknamed Monica Le Whitfield.
Heard on a grapevine, there's a little girl in Sydney running around with the name Abcde. The poor darl.

(pronounced ab-see-dee if you can't work it out :)).
These are great, v amusing!

The only funny one I can remember was a girl at school called Kylie O'Reilly.

Also, not quite the same but each time I hear the weather guy on ABC call himself Paul Higgins, for some reason my brain just mushes it to "Piggens". Hmm that one might just be me...

Was it here that someone pointed out that Brad's brother is Doug Pitt??

Keep 'em coming, it feels good to smile :)
A family from my old softball days called their daughter Ophelia - their last name was Dick. Still softball - a lady called Dale who married a guy with the surname Dale. My sister worked with a guy called Dwayne Pipe and I used to have a friend called Sue Rootes.

My married surname was Reed and one of my daughters names starts with B. The email addresses they used at work was 1st initial + surname so she was [email protected]. :D
Daisy Bell

A pretty blonde at high school but not so smart.

I am not so sure about cause and effect with this one.

My last name is pronounced as an adjective. It made for most unsuitable hyphenated names when I dated girls whose last names were nouns.
We have a Professor David David here in Adelaide.

I know a couple that share the same first and last name, eg. Leslie Smith and Leslie Smith.
my husbands name is not so humorous, but it is unusual. I remember thinking when I first met him "who would marry someone with a name like that"? ;) . i was very young and immature then! :rolleyes: