isurance for the home owner

In regards to insurance for the property owner/investor,

what companies are the savvy investors using?

Im interested in income protection/house/building insurance etc.

Is there a package that incorporates all these needs that suits the investor/home occupier during renos?
Or is it better to get separate policies for income protection and housing matters?
all replies are welcome

Separate areas.

Home&Contents insurance, designed for Owner Occupiers.

Landlords Insurance, for property investors/landlords.

Income Protection insurance, under the 'life insurance' banner.
You can not incorporate this with above policies. You may use the same broker/insurer (to some extent..some life agencies also do general insurance), but they will be different policies.

most policies offer normal cover up to value of work at $50,000. some $75,000, some $100,000. Without having to notify insurer.
For higher limits, require a Contract Works policy, covering value of works and existing building.

Direct policies (any punter can phone direct and get one) : cheap. easy. often very limited so be wary.
Broker policies: the broker will determine best fit. often find very standard wordings on all, with higher limits/extras/more comprehensive wordings etc. slightly more expensive.

hope this helps.