Private health paying for orthodontics avoiding problems

I've checked with my private health but fear problems with them paying what they say they will as I will have to sign contract with Orthodentist and be liable . How can I be sure to avoid nasty surprises that the Orthodentist says happens with private health not paying what they say they will .
What on earth makes you think that they will not pay what they say they will?
Sounds like you need a different health insurance company if you can't trust them
I have had 2 kids with braces and the health fund requires the total amount of the treatment set out in writing from the start. They also required me to pay the whole amount up front then I was reimbursed each year for that part of the treatment. It can take 3 years to get your full entitlement back.
Ask your dentist for a break down of all the item numbers and their costs then take them to your health fund to get a more accurate quote on your rebate.

Not sure about dental services, but from my experience in the optical industry health funds have a habit of quoting you the maximum rebate when in actual fact you might only be entitled to a portion of it.

Hope this help.
Does your orthodontist use HICAP? It's an electronic claiming system that pays the benefit directly to your orthodontist and you only pay the gap. If he does and your are with a main stream health fund then he should be able to tell you fairly accurately how much you can get back. Failing this then you will need to resort back to the above.
The health provider can tell you what they'll pay only after you give them the item numbers on your quote. It's pretty clear cut.

Have you shown this to your health provider and if so why do you think they might not pay?
Damn. My biggest kid had better not grow crooked teeth :mad:

Bad enough we just had to get new glasses for my partner (cash, of course) and said child got all put out that my partner AND her best friend at school both got their eyes tested and SHE wants her eyes tested because SHE might need glasses too.

So we held up some nice electoral propoganda junk mail about 8 feet away from her. She could read ALL the fine print. There, just saved ourselves a fortune in optometrist fees :D
yes I did get info with item number 4 times

they don't use card to get claim immediately

I will have to pay up front and get it back yr by yr

the Orthodentist said sometimes health funds cause trouble

I will speak to their dental team and see if I Can get it in writing .

It's bad enough what I kno I need to pay . I really don't want more above that or I wouldn't proceed .

Re glasses we found some of the 2 fir one deals also didn't need anything above what we get back so that was ok .

Thnx everyone and we r with a mainstream fund Hba .
We paid as requested during regular visits (total $4K) for first boy's braces and got around $2,200 back from the health fund. That is the total of ortho work they will cover for his lifetime.

Second boy we did the same but chose to pay in a lump sum in one financial year so we could at least claim some rebate as we were over the health threshold that year.

It meant we had to have the funds to pay, but we got everything back we were entitled to (and a bit more through tax - I think it is dental and medical to reach the threshold?) and didn't have to pay in dribs and drabs spread out over a couple of financial years and keep sending off claims. I think this was prior to Hicaps and I had to post a claim off, which was a PITA.
Orthodontists are really a luxury item these 2 boys will need braces but thankfully my daughter doesn't....

i've just checked with my orthodontist and she said to compare the increase in premiums (i have to upscale my policy) to the tax savings...apparently, you can get back in tax 20% of any out of pocket expenses more than $1500.

I am in the process of checking it out...
Thanks for all info
I got it in writing so seems all clear
I was told there's no hicaps for orthodontics .
I have to pay some on first visit and unsure how or when I get rebate but ses it will be as quoted thnks