
Hi everyone,

I have noticed that there are many of you posting late at night or very early in the morning...........does this mean your SANF has been comprimised. :)
Not sure what sanf means.

In my case, I work and have a family. I post when I have time which is in the morning, or at night once the kids are in bed. Discussing investing and wealth building with you people beats watching the box.

See ya's.
topcropper said:
Not sure what sanf means.

Sleep at Night Factor..

I get up at 5am most days and surf/blog/email for about an hour, its the quietest time of the day and when I think most clearly.
Yep, I'm usually up and running (literally) with the sunrise most mornings, have always been that way, unless of course I was called out in the middle of the night, in which case I may turn over and catch a few extra zzzz's!!! ;)


Me too. I'm always up early & the first thing I do is read the forum. As I'm the only one in the family that doesn't go to work/school, everyone else uses the bathroom & I'm lucky last, so what better time to catch up.
I am (also another forumite named "ToeEdge") shiftworkers in the same place , thats why we sometimes post in the wee morning hours.
perky29 said:
thats why we sometimes post in the wee morning hours.
That's fine, as long as you don't wee in the post morning hours.

Sorry to Perky, for the poor attempt at humour and to Geoff, for beating ya.

I've been investing for over 5 years now and I sleep better than ever.
TV doesn't hold much appeal for me at night, lose too many brain cells watching those 'Reality' shows.

I think they are a deliberate diversion to distract people from focusing on what is really important in life.

Whereas most of the replies have been from early birds, my situation is the opposite. I'm a nightowl and you can usually find me lurking online till the wee hours (then I do my wee and go to bed!)

Hey, it keeps me off the streets at that time of day/night, which could be a good thing!

I work in the afternoons and evenings ... sorta afternoon shift style.
I relax then do some work, surfing or whatever
There's the small time difference which adds lateness to it in Oz.