selling on this forum

If you are constantly chasing "spruikers" and their threads just to show others how wrong they are - how does that help you? What specifically is the purpose of such conduct? What purpose does it serve?

In a nutshell, ego. It's a no-brainer: Champion the common man, and you're a hero by default.

But without cause - without, that is, Xenia ever having done or said anything wrong here (except employ vapid terminology, which I regard a crime against reason itself, but that's just me) - Ridin High's charges are simply self-aggrandizement.

As to Xenia having any said nuts to hug, I'll not presume to answer for her. However I do, RH, take exception at your collosal claims for yourself.
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I have referred someone to a buyer's agent on here - I'd never spoken to that person directly on here but felt I knew them enough to recommend them to someone else.

I did that for a little while. I referred clients to someone on here who provides excellent advice (on the forum that is). I even met with the person first to have a chat and see if they were legit. After all, it makes me look bad if I give someone referrals and it ends up being a bad move.

Anyway, I started getting calls from people complaining about the service. The worst was a couple who had gone to this person and received what I could only describe as absolutely atrocious service. By the time they rang me, it was after they had contacted this person's business several times and gotten no call backs in return, for what was a very simple job.

Needless to say, it was incredibly embarrassing for me personally. We ended up finding an alternative referral (through another client who had used the services of the new referral for many years and was extremely happy with them).

I also had a rather poor personal experience with another prominent poster on this forum whom I wanted to give my business to.

These days, I refuse to give referrals to anyone (I no longer work with the company I was with when said referrals were given). I am happy to talk up James GG, but only because:

1. I used his dad as an accountant and was extremely happy with his service
2. I now use James as my accountant and will openly say that I am extremely happy with the service he provides
I'm not against it but I think one concern is that Somersoft has been around for a long while, is a reputable site and apparently high on google searches.
When someone visits the site and sees an established poster offering services there is a form of reflected credibility.

It is that bloody simple, isn't it. Reflected credibility, never heard the term but it suits, I would have said trust by association.

I can think of at least three examples incuding a more recent one where I was referred to a product here on SS last weekend but one significant example from about 12 months ago;

When I bought a kayak I went to forums and if I had found a thread that had a long termer speak of his wares without someone challenging with a; "but I can get that for 10% less at BCF" etc you would not get the whole picture and ask yourself has he been challenged or is this just anther ad.

Now I might choose to do business with a person who takes that bit of interest in what I do irrespective of paying 10% extra but I want to have all the information and make that choice. If people on a forum fear calling someone out for what they might believe is erroneous or downright dodgy info then I think that is a shame indeed and the place goes from being a full and frank discussion about investing in property to being an advertising medium.

This is the thing about forums. People can rapidly glean just scanning a few pages what kind of forum they are viewing and if everyone is giving each other pats on the back about what their business has to offer I can assure people it has less impact than where people challenge and are then convinced. This is why people trust forums. They are honest in their own mish mashed way.

So I agree with xenia only to the extent that we all have a job to do and some people want to sell stuff and thats fine but next comes the important thing; So long as the seller is prepared to answer the important and relevant questions without saying, "why do you ****ers question what I do, I sell stuff, you got a problem with that or what? Leave me to sell my stuff guys it's only fair..."
I dont have a problem with people having business names in their signature.

and I dont have a problem with people contributing advice in their area of specialty...... so long as they are speaking in general terms and not selling their services, and that they have contributed to the forum in a variety of topics and issues rather than only their particular area of specialty.

I want the opinions and feedback that they have, and I dont think its reasonable to expect them to not offer opinions on areas which they are interested in, just because it may be perceived as being "selling". We are all grown ups, and due diligence in a big part of property investing.

Looking from the other point of view, alot of those business owners give alot of free advice on the forum, which they would otherwise be charging for.....and most probably get no reward or business from that advice. So we could just as easily be seen as taking advantage of them.
I run a law practice specializing in property law and some litigation. No one on this forum knows who I am nor will they find out as I come onto this forum to learn and to share. I like to think my business is a medium priced practice but with 20 yrs property experience- try getting that at Conveyancing Works!

That is so covert.
I may not ever want to do business with you CU based on having a glimpse into your mind and who you really are here.

If I ever engage your law firm to do some work for me and you are not disclosing who you really are then you are in a position to "suck me in" and I don't see that as fair. You might be working for me and attacking me here at the same time..... that is a non disclosure.

Us "spruikers" lay out who we are here and have a "take it or leave it" attitude. You know who I am, how I think and what I do, even my address is evident, I'm out there and people can choose to love it or leave it. That's very disclosed.
Now legally there is no issue of liability to Somersoft if a visitor clicks through to a wonky business.

But could there be an issue of liability for SS if misinformed posters use defamatory language or use personal opinion against businesses that are not wonky?
And now for the weather

Darwin, blue skies, sunny, 28
Sydney, squally rain, 14
Adelaide, fine and clear, 16
Somersoft Forums, massive storms, fortunately contained to teacups

I must say that I find it endlessly amusing that people in the property game, where I personally assume that the person sitting in front of me smiling having a coffee has a go go gadget arm stabbing me in the back while making secret plans to sell my daughters into sex slavery, are on a forum getting mad about people advertising their services :D

This place is great, I'm cancelling the comedy channel :D
That is so covert.
I may not ever want to do business with you CU based on having a glimpse into your mind and who you really are here.

If I ever engage your law firm to do some work for me and you are not disclosing who you really are then you are in a position to "suck me in" and I don't see that as fair. You might be working for me and attacking me here at the same time..... that is a non disclosure.

Us "spruikers" lay out who we are here and have a "take it or leave it" attitude. You know who I am, how I think and what I do, even my address is evident, I'm out there and people can choose to love it or leave it. That's very disclosed.

Ela Xenia, what about due diligence? How can you contract someones services without finding out who they are, what their reputation is, comparing them to the competition etc? It's not like people here are going to contract professional services because they made "friends" with someone on the internet

Personally I want my lawyer/accountant to be the absolute sneakiest b***ards on the planet. Are they going to steal from me? Yes! Do I care? No! ...just so long as I get my job done in a way that benefits me, and they don't steal too much
And now for the weather

Darwin, blue skies, sunny, 28
Sydney, squally rain, 14
Adelaide, fine and clear, 16
Somersoft Forums, massive storms, fortunately contained to teacups

This place is great, I'm cancelling the comedy channel :D

I'm highly offended. You forgot Melbourne. Do you have something against Melbourne? I really need to know what weather we're about to get here and I rely on Somersoft to provide it to me free of charge! What will I ever do without it???

I think I'll bury myself in my teacup now...

I'm highly offended. You forgot Melbourne. Do you have something against Melbourne? I really need to know what weather we're about to get here and I rely on Somersoft to provide it to me free of charge! What will I ever do without it???

I think I'll bury myself in my teacup now...


I didn't want to wear my keyboard out writing the weather forcast for Melbourne

Melbourne: sunny wait...rain! wait...sunny again!...hang on...hail! hail! everyone get inside! aaaaah it hurts! aaaaah! Oh help me Baby Jesus!...thankyou baby Jesus it stopped, sunny again...wait, whats that noise? TORNADO! Is that a cow 200m up in the air? Holy hell it IS a cow! Actually...that's MY cow! Bessie! Hold on baby daddy's coming!

and this concludes our weather report for the time period 2:53PM - 3:06PM, stay tuned for an all new report in....41 seconds *commercial break*
Thanks, much better! Melbourne weather has always confused me and this helped me be much better prepared.

Now can anyone tell me what the traffic'll be like later this evening? I'm going to see mummy and daddy for Easter...
That is so covert.
I may not ever want to do business with you CU based on having a glimpse into your mind and who you really are here.

What nonsense. If he's a lawyer and chooses not to disclose the fact in his signature what is "covert" about that?

At least we know he's not here to collect customers like some posters.
Pointing out transparent ******** in non-commercial posts is fun.
Pointing out exaggerations and inconsistencies in posts obviously touting for work keeps the forum clean.
That is so covert.
I may not ever want to do business with you CU based on having a glimpse into your mind and who you really are here.

that would be extremely unprofessional.

do you pick your clients in the same fashion, and only allow the ones who get a green tick after you glimpsing into their minds?
What nonsense. If he's a lawyer and chooses not to disclose the fact in his signature what is "covert" about that?

At least we know he's not here to collect customers like some posters.

If it's "nonsense" then you should tell me what is not covert about that.

I'm hiring a solicitor that does litigation this week I will never know if the person who has been recommended to me is cu from this forum or not since I have no idea who he is.

I could end up hiring someone from here who's philosophies and ideas don't resonate with me and who I would not go near if I had an opportunity to match their posts. That means that someone could be hired based on the fact that their identity is not disclosed here. I call that covert.

what is wrong with collecting customers?
so if the person you don't like (lets say cu) comes to you and wants to use your services you will decline him based on your personal dislike?