Texta on my floor tiles

I have made a mistake with my new floor tiles, i used a black texta to mark out were i needed to cut, just like i did with the wall tiles, but i think i have used the wrong texta as i can't rub it off, so far i have used
Sugar Soap
I have even used a pencil eraser
The Metho and eraser work best but i can still see the marks, Does anyone have any idea on how to remove these marks?
Look i don't know if this will work but when you write on a whiteboard wih the wrong marker pen it wont come off either but if you go over the writing with the normal whitebord marker then it rubs straight off with the cloth.

Could be worth a try. :confused:
A couple of more things to try....

the little chux blocks that are called something like magic eraser?
Eucalyptus oil?

My tiler used red texta to mark cuts on our wall tiles and I've not been able to get it off - though you can hardly see it now - it's just faded with time.

Damn eh?
i've heard hair spray works but i've never used it so not sure. You can also try fly spray, WD40 or nail polish remover. All reputed to work. Try a small bit first and see how it goes.
yup the formaldehyde in the whiteboard marker pens is perfect for lifting "the wrong type of texta" - *cue evil intro music here*

i find blue is the best.
Try acetone or nail polish remover containing acetone.
My 3 y.o. coloured in his you-know-what with texta. We had to just wait till it wore off in this case.

Try acetone or nail polish remover containing acetone.
My 3 y.o. coloured in his you-know-what with texta. We had to just wait till it wore off in this case.



My daughter at age about 2 coloured in all the cream bits of her cream and beige bedroom carpet with a red texta and when that ran out, blue. I have no idea how long it took her or why I wasn't aware of what she was doing!

I got it out though!

My daughter at age about 2 coloured in all the cream bits of her cream and beige bedroom carpet with a red texta and when that ran out, blue. I have no idea how long it took her or why I wasn't aware of what she was doing!

I got it out though!

that made me laugh!

Chris I'd try the magic eraser. It's amazing what they can get off.
DON'T DO ANYTHING until you can establish why the tiles marked in the first place.
Some of the products mentioned will exacerbate the problem.
What are the tiles made of?

DON'T DO ANYTHING until you can establish why the tiles marked in the first place.
Some of the products mentioned will exacerbate the problem.
What are the tiles made of?


They are porcelain, i have already tried most, the only thing that seems to work is the rubbing, even if i use a cloth with water as long as i rub had enough most of it comes off but not all.
Having been there done that, to white porcelain tiles.
The end solution turned out to be CLR.


Mine are a bone colour, Tonight i tried a few different things.
Glitz Wipe out pads (like the Selly's ones)
Glitz Green floor cleaner
Goof Off
Schartzkoff hair spray
Mr Clean heavy duty brush with Metho
Nail polish remover
Eucalyptus Oil
Vileda scruff marker (like the Selly's ones)
And the winner is a combination of spraying the hairspary and waiting 2 minutes and then using the Vileda scruff marker, which worked better than the other two brands i bought (couldn't find the selley's ones).

Thanks everyone for your advice, and my advice is to use the DVD marker on tiles (i used for the wall tiles) and not the Permanent one i used on the floor
hairspray i always use to remove texta off walls...

the tiles may be porus which run all the way through in these instances...
Try acetone or nail polish remover containing acetone.
My 3 y.o. coloured in his you-know-what with texta. We had to just wait till it wore off in this case.
Hrm, my daughter did the same thing at the same age with about the same bit of her anatomy, but with whiteboard markers. Came off in the bath. Kids and textas, eh?
depends if they are a sealed tile /glazed or raw face tile, my wife uses a pasty product for stuff like that, bit like the old powdered ajax, and just work the paste , with a small cloth, good luck?
If the nail polish remover does not work, which it has for me in the past and I know this sounds stupid, put coke a cola on a cloth and let it sit on there for a few minutes then rinse clean, it is amazing what that stuff does!