Why does this board love Frankston so much?

local agents keeping frankston prices low

After inflation, many frankston homeowners are often conned into selling their homes for less than what they originally paid for them all those years ago. How ethical is that? Why are Frankston houses selling for barely half the melb median?​

This post is about market manipulation. About how local agents have a vested interest in keeping frankston prices low. Take heed if you own property locally and want your investment to grow at a sustainable rate. Much of this post was posted on the other thread about Frankston and was in response to an agent who posted on this hread, asking investors to "wait your turn".

Over drinks a year ago, a friendly local agent once confided in me that most agents would prefer local houses to sell for around the $230k ballpark: "in frankston we prefer to work on fast sales and high turnover rather than wasting time trying to get the highest possible price for owners; it takes too much of our time; a cheap house is always easier to sell. Selling houses at around half the melb median suits us agents just fine because few of us own property locally".

The usual modus operandi that agents use to keep prices low: Frighten a few grannies with talk of an oncoming world depression and persuade them to sell their houses for barely half the Melb median price. Then use the resulting low sale price as "evidence" that prices are falling. Show the lowest sales figures to homeowning mums and dads in the area in order to markedly reduce their price expectations.....thereby setting off a downward spiral in prices. Sex things up a bit more by telling people the marina will never be built and that "now is the best time to be selling, before the global meltdown kicks in".

This is akin to shouting "fire" in a crowded cinema. It is not a victimless crime. It causes real harm and peoples lives can be severely affected. Local mums and dads who have worked hard to buy their homes are hurt the most.

After inflation, many frnkston homeowners are often persuaded to sell for less than what they originally paid for their homes all those years ago. How ethical is that? But no matter - the agents always get paid their commission. That is all they usually care about

Another trick many agencies use is to accept a homeowner's initial listing price and then not answer calls from prospective buyers.The agent then tells the vendor that there's been no interest from prospective buyers ("its the world economy mate") and he should lower his price. Once the price is lowered, the house is sold in a flash.

The conduct of many agents in Frankston and surrounding areas is reprehensible and hurts mum and dad owners and investors. There are severe penalties - including jail - for price fixing and market manipulation. The law eventually catches up with people who consider themselves untouchable. Go ask Mr Lowy. Send the message home to agents that this is unacceptable.
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Newhigh - i doubt that very much. I am not a local to Frankston as i live halway between Frankston and Melbourne but my family live in Frankston and i invest there.

Frankston is made up of many markets. So you cannot generalise. There are places I would live and there are places I would not want to live. Frankston has much going for it BUT its still 45kms from the city and about 65 mins by train. Thats why its lower than the Melb median price.

For someone who does not work in the city, and can afford Sth Frankston, its a great place.

I doubt there are any market manipulators effecting prices in Frankston. Some of those properties in Sth Frankston are fetching a great price.
Newhigh, is this view based on personal experience?

I can only say that my experience in searching for properties in the last few months cannot be characterised in the way you have protrayed. If it was, I could/would have purchased 2 properties at a very cheap price.

Of course if a vendor has an unrealistic price in the context of the current market and continues to shop around the agents in town, everyone will know what the property is worth and its recent history. I see that constantly when new properties are recycled to other agents after not selling (of course that doesn't only apply to Frankston). That's not market manipulation though, that's the market - today.
agents (funkysouth, tooney et al) - stop trolling, this thread is for investors

Seems like most of the posts these days are from closet agents who just won't fess up. Fellas, this thread is for investors, not agents. Keep hanging around here and these threads will lose credibility. As it is, many of the regular posters have had a stomachful and have stopped contributing.

And yes, there are lots of us investors who have had bad experiences. Local agents have no loyalty. Age and experience have nothing to do with it: agents, like used-car salesmen, have very little credibility.

And no funkysouth aka tooney - we arent prepared to "wait your turn". If you are an agent declare your interests. Do you own property locally? Around 80% of Frankston agents I know don't.
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short reply

Thank you NewHigh for your comments.
I love it how you put words in the mouths of all those involved in this thread. If you have a gripe with real estate agents, you have your money tied up in the wrong investments.
I take my job very seriously. I work very hard for my vendors while constantly facing the barrage of adversity from people like yourself. I research market trends, prepare reports and talk to the people so to give the best advice when buying in Frankston. Part of that research includes listening to the people on this and other threads as to what their thoughts on the property market are.
Use the resource of someone clued into the market like myself to better your portfolio, or be naive, hurtful and immature and continue in your narrowmindness.
I will continue to monitor this and other threads for the purpose of furthering my career and to everyone else I appreciate the incite granted through this medium.:)
agents don't belong on this thread

Funky, oh funky, :)until you were outed, you never fessed up to being an agent. So I will ask you again: do you own property in the area? Yes or no? If you are like most agents I've met, then the answer will be no. And if you don't have a large chunk of your net worth invested locally, why should we believe what you say?

My own studies suggest that over 80% of Frankston agents don't own property locally! In fact, most don't own property at all. This is a sad indictment on a troubled industry. Can local owners expect loyalty from such agents? Probably not. All they care about is their commission.

Commonsense would suggest that agents who don't own property locally are less likely to obtain premium prices when selling local property. The modus operandi is to price houses low so as to sell them fast. Why? Because you agents work on turnover - a fast sale is a good sale. Line your own pockets first and bugger the mums and dads who own houses locally and may suffer negative equity as a result of your actions.

So please spare us your self serving remarks about "waiting your turn" and property being a ultra-long term investment. And don't you dare talk about macroeconomics...most agents haven't seen the inside of a university and know nothing of economics or efficient markets. The average Melbourne cabbie is probably better educated than the average Melbourne real estate agent.

Typical story: One of my colleagues called an agent about a cheap property that was for sale in Frankston last month ....but the agent never bothered to return the call. I wonder if the owner of the house was aware of the agent's nonchalant attitude. Probably not. The agent probably told the hapless owner to expect a lower price because of the global situation. As funky would say: wait your turn.

This reinforces my view that local agents are totally disloyal and don't give a damn about anyone but themselves.

I've received a number of PMs from agents telling me that they are different etc. Guys, this is an investment forum. Please do not use this forum as a means of furthering your careers. :)

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