Do you believe in doubles , even seem a double?

I haven't seen a double before. Seen quite a few similar looking people, but no clones.
That's exactly what I look like in my avatar btw, has anyone seen a double of me :confused:

I think my 3 year old nephew must have seen a double of you, he's been drawing the same person.
I've never seen a double of myself, but I'm often told that I look just like Dad.

Probably just as well, really. Could've been awkward if I looked just like the Old Man's best mate instead.
Funny this comes up actually.

Boyfriend and I were going through some photos of a friends party I'd went to last year. Anyway, her sisters best friend was there as well and we were wearing a similar outfit and there was a photo taken above her head so you could see the side of her head but not her face.

I said, oh there I am. Boyfriend also thought it was me until later in the photos there was another of her and I realised that it wasn't me in he earlier one - Only after 10 mins or so!

If it were the exact same shot of me it would've been the best spot the difference game!!
I went to school in South Africa. When I came to Australia I got a job in as a bank teller, meeting lots of people, and two customers and one workmate looked so similar to girls I had been to school with they could have been sisters...also had the same surnames as the girls they looked like...and all three had no relatives in South Africa (that they knew of). In the gold rush days, when people from Britain went chasing the gold, one brother went to Australia, one to South African, one to America - so there are all these families who no longer know of their distant cousins in far off countries.
Also they had they same personality types as the girls they looked like! Personality goes with the genes I guess.
I remember Lil looking through an old photo album, screaming and closing it in a hurry. When I went to check, she pointed at a photo of me taken at a similar age. I had to laugh. I'd told her plenty of times previously that she looked like me, but she hadn't believed me. Most of my old photos that she had seen had 80's "big hair", if you know what I mean, while this one had my hair done exactly like hers at the time. :D
I pull this face that everyone thinks I am Mr Bean :D


I dont look like him however, but my funny face I can make look like him.