
Hi there,

Sparks from inner city Brisbane here.

I just want to introduce myself before I start posting away on the forums. The Coffee Lounge looked like a good place to do that. Let me take a sip of my skinny flat white first <slurp>.

Actually, I started typing this up last night, describing myself as new to PI and am looking for my first IP using the equity of my PPOR (I'm getting a hang of the acronyms too :) ). I've been reading up on the forums here and any links other posters have added. I've learned alot and feel like I've come a long way since 4 weeks ago. I have still a ways to go.

But as of this morning, my boyfriend (long term) just put an offer on a house we were looking at! Potentially our first IP!! :eek: He has just moved us at the speed of light and I'm hanging by the seat of my pants. Well...not that bad, but I was certainly squirming in my seat at the REA office.

I guess all my uncertainties were holding me back, bogging me down, so I'm glad my boyf took charge. And I have to admit the best bit about today (other than heart in my throat and stomach doing flips) is that I'm learning as I'm flying. We had to take that first step to getting our first IP or it we would never progress!

I'm off now, got to find threads or posts on 'due diligence' and the like. I think I'd better make another coffee :D And my boyf is talking about getting his second one in the next month! So you'll be getting a few n00bie questions from me everybody.

Well, nice to meet y'all
Looking forward to chatting with you soon
Welcome to the forum.

Please tell us a bit more about what you want to achieve from your property investing and how you plan to do it.

Hi Willg, I feel this may sound a bit vague as we're still learning what's best for us. We've read Jan Somer's book and we'll follow her outlines for gaining financial independence for our retirement with property investment. She has written an excellent book there.

So far, we're looking at negative gearing and putting the IP titles into my boyf's name as he is the big earner. Buy and hold, looking for areas that have potential to grow. Look for the ugly ducklings in the overlooked suburbs.

We have been looking at houses, but have started to talk/think about townhouses and units. But will have to see, crunch numbers, talk turkey etc - see what suits.

Our long term goals are still open, so I need to look further down the line of multiple IP purchases and crunch those numbers too. But I reckon that's the way we're going to go. We're quite keen and motivated to learn alot about PI and I am relieved to find this forum that gives so much of both in spades.

I hope that makes sense Willg :) .

Enjoy your journey, Sparks, and you've started in the right place IMHO (but then, I might be just a little bit biased ;) ) And welcome to you and Mr. Sparks,
