
Had quite an evening...

Mumma Magpie was out in the back yard with Baby Magpie for what I'm assuming was it's first venture out of the nest, (we can see the nest in a neighbours gutter so know this family). Well, Baby had got itself stuck on the path to our backdoor/verandah and Mumma was edgy. Luckily I saw the situation and stopped the kids as we were walking up, after fun trampoline time.

Stoopid dog we own (and love) comes bounding past oblivious to the drama unfolding. Then the swooping starts. Crazy Mumma is after our dog (he's a pug, so his eyes are probably the target) and goes after him left, right and centre. Kids are crying by this stage and I'm starting to feel a bit trapped...

If I head for the garage the dog will come for us thus bringing Mumma along but I can't go up the path because dopey Baby is still standing smack bang in the middle.

What did I do? It was like a computer game, or Indianna Jones Suburbia style...

I threw a shoe at the dog, yelling at it to 'go away' (the poor thing) and ran with the kids. I had to stop at the side gate and frantically put the number in the combination lock, and then had the kids safely at the garage door. We'd made it just before the poor dog could reach us. Ofcourse the garage door was closed, I had no keys and no way of getting in the house except for past Baby. So I calmed the kids down and told them to be brave and wait.

So I now have to go back through the gate, back round to the path, yelling at the dog to 'nick off' and got down on hands and knees under the verandah. Found my shoe, and continued to crawl/hunch under the verandah as far as I could go. I had to go right past the Baby and then get even lower comando style to get to the steps at the back door. The last little bit was the worst because I had to suddenly emerge from under the verandah approx 1 metre from the Baby to get through the door to safety. I think my poor dog was keeping Mumma occupied at that stage, because then it was all over and I could open the garage from inside to save my kids.

Phew! The moral of the story is, be careful, the baby magpies are just now big enough to be pottering around which means there are protective parents getting antsy.

Thanks for letting me share, i had had plans to do stuff for property investing but I've typed this story instead.

take care out there.
yep - dog and i got attacked on our morning walk the other day. corked my calf trying to get away, while watching every direction, trying to hang on to the dog lead and waving my jumper around over my head. passing motorists must have thought me nuts.

poor dog - maggie dive bombed her and gave her a good whack on her back.
LOL Lizzie thanks for that post it really helped me feel better. They are still out there this morning so hanging the washing was interesting. The kids are fine though and not scared at all, bouncing away on the trampoline again. It's been a good lesson really in mutual respect. Not for the dog though stoopid animal - I tied him up for his safety and mine.
The next six weeks are really bad news. I was attacked as a child and will never forget it as it dug its claws into my neck.
perhaps i should add - the little bugger stalked us for 2 blocks ... power pole to power pole. kinda scary as never sure when you're going to get a beak in the back of the head.

one of the other mother's at school had three attack her at once, in the same area, so next day she turned up carrying a very large stick.
Ooh Lizzie, they really are a bit creepy when they stalk you like that. It's unnerving. It's really bad around schools, you'd think the silly things would find better places to nest. All it takes is a few kids to throw stones and then any poor child in the same uniform gets swooped year after year.

I quite like magpies and they deserve to live here too but they can be so dangerous (a man died after being attacked a few years ago). One of the problems can be when ppl feed them as it creates a false 'feeding territory' in ppl's gardens. Come breeding time the magpies want to be near the food source but get cranky at threats (ie. us/the poor dog) near their babies.

Ppl thnk they are doing the right thing (my hubby included in this mix) but don't understand it's not helping them or us.
I had to chuckle on seeing the thread listing: Magpies by Casserole Dish.

Rather reminded me of those four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie...

Loved your story CD! I get attacked every morning cycling to work at the moment. Stupid thing starts and stop exactly at the same spots every time, repeatedly whacking me on the helmet in between. Well it does help me to wake up...
