Sig Meeting Tuesday May 22nd 2007 – Graham Wolfe - NSW Executive Director - HIA

G'day Perky,

I hope to be there (returning from NZ that day, so things might slip). If you still have room, and I'm not keeping "more sure" attendees away, count me for one.

If I AM keeping someone else away, then count me out. I really am only a "tentative" at this point. No probs in saying "No" to me.

How close are we on numbers?

Got lots left Les, I think we are at 45 or so - room can hold over 80.
Hope to see you there Les.

Oscar, we want photo's of your new house !!!
Don't feel shy , just come up and introduce yourself, I will introduce you to the regulars :)
Tomorrow night guys.
Looking forward to it !! Just need to stop this flu in its tracks from coming :(

Please remember a gold coin donation for the gift I have bought Graham - thanks !!