Simpsons movie..worth watching?

Spider pig, Spider pig
Does whatever a spider pig does
Can he spin a web
No he can't he's just a pig
Look out! Here comes the spider pig

A week later and I still can't getting it out of my head. If you're a fan of the Simpsons, go see the movie.
Spider pig, Spider pig
Does whatever a spider pig does
Can he spin a web
No he can't he's just a pig
Look out! Here comes the spider pig

A week later and I still can't getting it out of my head. If you're a fan of the Simpsons, go see the movie.


I am not a simpsons fan, don't get it so I don't watch it. My 3 boys (hubby included) on the other hand LOVE it.

They saw the movie last weekend and rave about it and are singing spider pig, spider pig....
I have always been a big fan of the Simpsons. The movie was decent and there were some funny spots, but i didn't think it was that fantastic,
It is great to go to a movie and laugh the whole way througth. Top Movie
I give it 5 stars:D

I took 3 of my boys, 23, 11 & 7 yrs.The 7 year old was laughing so much that some of the audience members started laughing at HIM!


Spider pig, spider pig............

Seeing it tonight, and I already can't stop singing that song!!! :D :D

My brother put it in my head...I think that the show appeals to all ages on a number of different levels.
Top family movie, it is good how the adults have their own jokes that go over the kids heads... Like the 'blowback' when the bubble bounces back off the dome :)

My youngest niece has yet to learn about the value of the rhetorical question.. When Homer ponders 'Why do people I whip always turn against me?', she answered out loud 'Because you whipped them!'.... (silly adults)..

Stay for the credits... Monty delivers a classic line :)
My daughter is getting married this year. She is a huge Simpsons fan and after seeing the movie has decided that the 'bridal waltz' at her wedding will be ..........'Close to you'