What do you turn to when you are down?

umm its an open forum u hillarious muppet......im entitled to my opinion just like everyone else..if you disagree so be it.

go read a book or something, that will ease your stress over this thread one would hope......:)

come back tomorrow refreshed and ready to tackle the week ahead.

I am also entitled to my opinion and to hear you whining about others having a whine is rather funny. I think you just like the sound of your own voice.

Not sure why you are so upset about this. Hope you never suffer from depression yourself :rolleyes:. Oh, but if you do, you can give yourself a good slapping, and tell yourself to get over yourself :rolleyes:.
Most of my early life till arely 30's I was happy as Larry. Everything I did turned to gold. Every job i wanted i just got. Life was great :)
Then within a week I went from a great life and future to being on a dialysis machine. I soon lost my job, had huge debts , was sick and got to know what depression was. Up until then i just believed anyone with the sulks and depressed attitude was a looser. My opinion was just get over it.
Once I had depression my thoughts changed. At the height of it i could not get out of bed. I would lay in a pitch black sealed room all day and not want to do anything or see anyone. I could not eat. had heart pulpitations. Dry throat and constant sick feeling. As it gets worse you just sink into a deeper and deeper hole. Ok for everyone to say just pick yourself up and do something. When you collapse just walking a few metres.
Fortunately for me my Renal team could see me slipping into a hole of self harm and referred me to a shrink. I had councelling and was placed on anti depressant medication. This no doubt saved my life. That was back in 1993.
I have had a couple of other hits of depression since then but know now how to pick up the signs and get medication. No I do not class myself as a weirdo or some drug taking whacko.

As to what I do when stressed. Walk along the beach. Go camping for a couple of days, and as well i am a cleaning freak.

If i am stressed I start cleaning and organising and thinking as I go.

If my wife comes home and the pantry is empty and I am arranging everything in order and cleaning she asks what is wrong? My wifes friends think this is funny. They say their husbands lay on the lounge and drink all day. So next time I get angry, stressed etc send me to their place for the day :cool:

Also tragically a father from my childrens school suicided 2 weeks ago.

He had a blood disease and was getting sicker . We use to talk at school about all the simular treatments we were receiving. eg Infusions, self injections daily, and boxes of medication. And constant exhaustion.

I was away at Fraser Island and had not seen him since returning.
When I questioned a parent as to how he was he told me that he had just had enough and had suicided while I was away :(

Pretty tragic stuff. Left a wife and 3 children behind.

So if you are lucky enough to be happy that is great.
But do not ever think you will never be depressed .

I use to think that.

Gee Cee

Writing from lunny bin hospital :rolleyes:

A big thank you for sharing this personal info with us to GC.

Big Tone
I am also entitled to my opinion and to hear you whining about others having a whine is rather funny. I think you just like the sound of your own voice.

Not sure why you are so upset about this. Hope you never suffer from depression yourself :rolleyes:. Oh, but if you do, you can give yourself a good slapping, and tell yourself to get over yourself :rolleyes:.

please refer to my last post and read it rather than just type for the sake of it............im busy today so post till your blue in the face wylie. good luck champ.
I dont believe have any mental issues my friend but you on the other hand have not been given the gift of mind reading...Read into my post anything you wish, water off a ducks back to me..........Perhaps a cup of concrete may harden you up as well?

Im all empathy for anyone where its required but I simply just dont support any mug who says they are in a depression when in fact its usually nothing more than they are having a crap day like everyone else has at times.Depression as a description is just too widely used these days in my uneducated non medical background opinion.....read into this whatever you like Dr Phil.

I dont intend to argue "my case" about it in this thread, you can argue with yourself if you wish.

Have a nice happy day!

I rest my case.................as typical with a few of the hard nosers on this forum, they love throwing thier opinions around, especially with a few attacks thrown in , and when they get challenged on their position they say things like...............

"I dont intend to argue my case...." and
"Perhaps a cup of concrete will harden you up".

Again, this defensive childish reaction to a debate clearly proves my post, which actually was a "stab in the dark" which you "my friend" have shown to me that you may need some professional help.

The "hard as nails" attitude may actually be your downfall, life (my life anyway) isnt about being the toughest hard a$s on the block and I will agree with you that sometimes ppl do need to suck it up and get on with it, but you may need to take the blinkers off, as one day you or the poeple close to you may need your help or atleast some understanding on this problem, and how will you react.............probably, "get a grip will ya", or "I have made you some weet bix and put some concrete in it for ya!" or maybe "stop whining, I'm sick of your whining".

Take it easy, its just a debate, nothing personal.

Big Tone
hi all
I went to a meeting yesterday and had a listen to a couple of cd's on the way and some thing came thru very interesting and relates to this thread
we all have problems or issues or crisis's as you might say
and people say that the financial crisis is the biggest problem in the world currently.
well lets put it into prospective
if there was a crisis, any crisis and of all the crisis in the world you could have or you had to have 1.

the financial one is the one I would want.
because you can come back from that crisis
the others death, loss of limbs, heart attack, and so on are alot harder and in some cases non returnable.
now people say that you can't be positive most of the time
why not
mental health or depression,
for me I have no idea how to get out of it
because I have not been in it.
but I would try
and in that trying
I would have to be looking positive because you are never going to do anything unless you have a positive attitude to it.
you won't win a race if you go to the start line with I have lost already.
to pick you up
you need something that spins you on your head and turns you in a different direction. as forrest gump said life is a box of cocolates you don't know what centers they are but you eat them anyway
and the best bit is to try and just find out.
my piece of advice is not to go for the instant pick up the glass of wine or even a tablet of speed but to aim to do some thing a little different that will change not only your mood but your out look on life
thats some thing like doing 1/2 hr walk to no were in particular just a walk.
or go to some thing you would not normally go to a libary if you go to them alot then go to a football match, if you go there then to a swimming pool
any where you don't normally go.
once you get into going some where you would not normally go or do some thing you would not normally do you will find people you would not normally meet and you will find you will do some thing that you have not been doing for a while.
you will start to laugh or enjoy it
and then you will get that positive feeling
it won't come as a rush like the wine or speed.
but it will come
little by little it will come.
and when depressed do it all over again but this time try some thing different and repeat the above.
life is made up of very simple rules and lots of forks in the road you just have to decide which fork to take.
and you can't take that fork if you don't get there in the first place.
for me I use cd's as they direct me in a path that I wish to take and then I meet those forks.
I hope you well
please refer to my last post and read it rather than just type for the sake of it............im busy today so post till your blue in the face wylie. good luck champ.

Thanks champ. Have a lovely day :p. (And it is good you are busy today, because being busy may stop you becoming depressed :).)
Thanks for the great posts Greg and GR.

The most significant period of depression in my life was when I was in my early 20's. I remember struggling to go to work and at times even found it hard to keep my eyes open driving to work. Low motivation, tiredness, monotonous routine, alcohol and dope, empty relationships. I developed a burning desire during the end of this period for a need to be happy and content - naturally. So GR's comment on doing something and going somewhere different ended up the anwer for me. I had to physically remove myself from the the existence I had been living and went travelling for a year or so to discover a new life meeting up with new friends and having totally new experiences (without wine and speed or any other intoxicant).:D The rest is history - free from any such degree of this debilitating state - more than 20yrs on.

My experience of depression was bad enough and I didn't even get to the stage of needing medication. I can only imagine how people with more serious cases would feel. These unfortunate folk have all my sympathy and get well wishes.

Like in Gregs case, I am sure that one or more unlikely and unexpected serious life crises could/would test the emotional boundaries of most normally happy folk - potentially sending them into an extended state of feeling down or depression.
I went to a seminar on health and it was very interesting that people go to doctors and they take tests and then look thru a sheet which gives them whats wrong with you and from that they say heres the pills to make you better and usually they fix it but alot of the time they don't
now what would happen if you deided that in stead of that route you decide to make yourself healthy
not diet /( that does come with it) but just healthy using suppliments etc now if you cut down the going to teh doctor
your health so you don't go as much.
yes there is a cost
but if you don't get sick the cost is well reduced.
the same with getting down for me
what you try to do is look for something that will not get you down
roses, lorrekeets,or even fish are a great thing to put your mind back into prospective and then you as I try to be healthy
you can knock that health about a bit but if you aim for some thing you will not get there today or tomorrow but you will get there in some form one day
and as long as you aim thats the most important part.
as I say to clients and some have got alot of financial issue.
well at least we have this
now looking at the this thats not alot but its a start and we work from there.
and as you will have read most of these deals are real basket cases.
and if you did not have a positive attitude at the start you would be up the wall in about 1/2hr.
for me positive information thru the eyes, ears and for some the mouth( wine beer, scotch or even steak) are the main things we live on.
with out hope or positive inputs for me we would simply die.
same reason that people just give up the want to live and they just die.
so having positive people or influences is very important and if you reflect a positive aura you will attract positive people and frokm that they will asssist in picking up your attitude.
I tell people that I am with amway
because their idea is to not only pick you up but to assist in both developing a business but also to develop the person which is very unusual.