Does a 10 year old age gap make a material impact?

I too, give kudos to Gary. Bravo I say, and so true for my personal story as well.

Yes when I was young I had men try to 'talk' to me on the train. Once my Mum was right next to me and I was so embarrassed I cut him off pretty cold. Well, I got told off by Mum too so felt rotten. :mad:

Also the majority of men were what you could only describe as 'sleazy'. You get a vibe that still makes me grit my teeth. I would be as polite as I could but it was easier to shake them by being an ice-queen.

My husband had to memorise my phone number (work not home ;)) asked me out, got the 'no' answer, sent me chocolates for Valentines day a few days later and I politely rang to thank him (see, I am nice) and voila! The rest as they say...

Gary, those pick up lines are really good. I know i have been out of the game awhile but I would definately smile and giggle at them. There are so many dodgy lines... but that should maybe be a whole new topic :p
I remember my sister at 18 was dating a guy of 48 that didn't last long
and at 25 I was dating a girl of 21 who dumped me on my birthday for a friends uncle who was 52 - ouch.

she could have waited the day and not dumped me on my birthday
I am 28 (guy)dating a 21 year old(girl) and we were friends before dating so we talked about the age gap. Here are things that are in my/her mind;

both parties need to be over 18 - the older over all, the better I think it will work

maturity - that's why older is better in terms of a 10 year gap of 40-50 is different to 18-28. with maturity goes the party/club life etc.

Kids - if you want kids, the girl may be pressured to start earlier than planned (as is the case with us) because if she waits till 27 to have the first kid and wants 3, then I'm gonna be 40 when the last is born, (I'd be 34+3 kids @ 2 years each) which means I will be 'old' and not be able to do sport etc with them. Not that it is necesarily a big deal for all - but it is for me/her

life experience/responsiblities/travel She hasn't left school yet (well..she's at uni) and she lives with her parents to save money. so she hasn't had the travelling and wasting money on toys etc that I have - so maybe she will want to do that, when i am wanting a family. Also cooking, cleaning, etc having to come home from work and keep working on the house/food etc.

friends - a big thing she was worried about as she is shy (I am not...I have very close friends aged from 18 to 70) and wasn't sure how she would fit in with my friends, and how i would fit in with hers. It worked out pretty good as she is more mature than her friends, so she fitted in with mine pretty well, and I am happy to talk to younger people anyways as I already have close friends in that age group.

death - girls live longer. So I'm already 7 years up on her, if she lives 10 years longer, that is 17 years at the end of her life alone.... that's a long time and something she will need to deal with, and she says now she will be ok with it.

That's about it off the top of my head - we have talked through all this and are comfortable with it all, so it's going well :)
Hmm death can strike anytime. My hubby lost both parents at quite young ages ie.50 something and 65. We live for the day while planning the future, if that makes sense.

Yes, women do live longer on average but we are very social creatures and will fill the gap till we join you guys in heaven, with other social links. Hobbies, grandchildren, younger men... :D
Now this one I am experienced in.

My wifey's 11 yrs younger than me , but admittedly I am fairly youngish for my age too so you would probably only call it 5 yrs anyway personality wise.

But no whatever it is has mostly made no difference at all in any way other than a one. We get along great , always have , she loves what I am and I love what she is, nothing much else has ever come into it really.

There's only ever been one real issue with us - I want a divorce , just kidden,
No I became worried about settling down sooner than her and in a way that really messed us up . She was not too fussed or in a hurry but I needed to settle and start building some solidness in my life , have kids.
She just couldn't get what the problem was , she understood it but wasn't worried about it at all where as I was, caused a few headaches .

So one thing that is different and needs to be thought about in an age regard if all else is well , is that are you both at the same stages in life whatever that is, and want to head in that same direction and if not then how bigger issue will that become later if any.

2 bobs worth

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actually, I just remembered two other scenarios where I found myself with foot in mouth.

One was in Nambour Hospital ICU. I was caring for a guy in his 60s, obviously quite ill and kept in an induced coma.

One afternoon when I was doing my rounds, he had a visitor, a male in his 20s. I had a chit chat and then asked if he was the patient's son. He tersely replied "No, I am his partner". reasonable mistake under the circumstances I think.

Another time, I was at a health retreat, Hippocrates Health Centre at Nerang. A very plain obese woman in her late 50s had just finished a week there, and was preparing to leave. A slim young fellow around 22 came in asking for her. I said I had just seen her upstairs packing her bags. I chit chatted and then asked if he was her son. He quite tersely replied, "No, I am her lover".
Once again, reasonable faux pas.

What's my personal view about such things?
I appreciate life is a holiday for some and a hell realm for others.
And we all use whatever resources and values we have, to make it through.

lol. Next time say are you his/her lover. Would the reaction be worse if you get it wrong the other way?? lol

Age is just a number. The deeper issues are whether you feel comfortable and relaxed with this girl. And entertained. Even hot young women get boring pretty quickly if you dont have much in common.
Shared goals are also important. how well what she wants to do fits in with what you are trying to do. She is gonna want to have kids. Want some (or more)?
i'm just gonna lay it on pretty simple.

the difference between 20 and 25 is 10 years.

the difference between 25 and 30 is 5 years

the difference between 30 and 35 is 2 years

the difference between 35 and 40 is a month.

Couldn't agree more with this. Interesting what your question has turned into though, Buzz. I really think that a 10yr difference at your age is a non-issue as long as you have similar values and expectations. I'd be more concerned about the different cities. Surely you HAVE to give it a go though?? You can't kill off an opportunity when you have no idea what it will lead to. This is supposed to be the phase where everything is an exciting adventure.:)
BTW, my dad married a woman 3 years my senior :eek:. In a couple of months they will celebrate 20 years together. He may be over 20 years older than her, but I promise you that she has always been the more mature partner.
i agree with ms jade ... at the end of the day "what have you got to lose?"

give it a shot. it will either work out or not - but you don't want to die wondering.
Perhaps if you have enough doubts to ask advise on a forum you have some reservations about this lady? Is it really just the age or is it your gut telling you otherwise?

I have found from experiences both bad and good my gut feeling is usually right.

If it really is just age .. go for it aND have fun!
Isn't that the truth?

Im sorry but based on my personal experiences as well as those around me Aussie women in general are overweight, bitter, and for most part, stuck up.

It amazes me how much different European women are compared to the Australians.

If you look and appreciate a woman in a public place (other than a nightclub) in Australia, you will be labelled a "horny, perverted creep"... do the same in Europe and you will generally get a big smile in return and more often a conversation to follow.

I am not blaming Aussie women, we are usually the product of our surroundings.

Even yesterday, on the way home from work, picked up an MX newspaper and there is a woman asking guys not to "pick up" on the train as they come across as creepy perverts... what the phuck is that crap? You should be able to meet women in any public setting. Its no wonder there is a "man drought" in Australia... every time a bloke approaches a woman for a conversation, he gets shot down instantly.

I have personally overcome this problem by being patient and persistent, I have also been in a long term relationship for the last 4 years so dating was not on my cards... but sheesh.

Its no wonder women in Europe get married in their early 20s unlike Aussie women who delay it till their mid 30s or stay single and miserable for the rest of their lives.

And you have the gall to say Aussie women are bitter?!? Wow. Lemons have nothing on you.
BTW, Buzzlightyear, you still there? I'm sure we'd all love to hear from you about how it's going.

Okay, so it looks like we have the traditional Aussie thread on dating and relationships, the general ballet goes as follows:

  1. It kicks off with an innocent question involving dating and/or relationships and/or sex
  2. Next we have some genuine advice and fresh questions
  3. Then enters some politically incorrect and maybe even gender biased advice,, either way, something not strictly mainstream in thinking
  4. Then enters the counterpoint to the previous advice.
  5. Then, and this one is not optional, a man will complain about the difficulty of meeting Aussie women, or the woman will complain about the difficulty of finding a decent guy.
  6. In response to the men, the women will say it's easier for guys and the men will say Aussie women are stuck up and impossible to talk to
  7. Some men will say they meet women from other cultures, the women will say they're just as happy alone
  8. The men will scoff their disbelief that women could be happy alone and the women will accuse the men of choosing a dimwitted woman who is only interested in their money
  9. Next the men defend their women of other cultures and cite their intelligence and warmth as their strong points, they'll counter that the older single women are not truly happy and will recall real-life observations that prove older women are secretly desperate
  10. The happily married or long term relationship people will pop their head up, scan the terrain and conclude that both sides are nuts and way off, then they'll log off to watch tele with their significant others
  11. The debate gets more heated as men start blaming women for the undesirable characteristics they find in men and women will claim it's mostly a myth and those behaviors don't apply to them. Specifically, the women will say they are friendly, warm and open to guys and that they don't know anyone who is rude to men.
  12. Someone will pipe up, tell the men to grow a pair and to take responibility for their own happiness and to deal with rejection and not to take it personally. They'll admit that they don't have any answers for women.

So, guys, grow a pair. You went and spoke to a woman and she wasn't friendly. So then you stomped your feet, started to sulk, picked up your ball and hollered at the top of your voice: "If you're not going to play nice, then I'm not going to play at all" and stormed off of the playground.

Result: You're not happy, she's not happy.

Look, I used to be in that camp. No girls and I blamed them for making it hard for me. Don't do that, it may give you some sick sense of comfort (as it did for me) to play the victim, but it's juvenile and won't help anything.

Look, rejection is not personal. And if it is, so what? So she wasn't into you, great. She's just saved you an incredible amount of time you would've otherwise wasted if she didn't reject you out of being polite. Besides, rejection doesn't exist, take it as valuable feedback.

Now, this statement may get me in trouble, but I don't believe women are ever saying "no", I just believe they're saying: "not yet". So, if I go to kiss a girl and she turns me down. I smile, laugh, tell her she's into me and try again later. I don't sulk, I don't get upset, I just understand she isn't ready yet. If she didn't like me, she would leave and I would read it in her body language. I don't try to kiss girls who don't like me.

So, go over, chat to the girl and know that if you're doing your job properly, you'll get 3 flat rejections out of 10, 4 so-so reactions, 2 girls who are interested and one girl who will be really damn keen. Oh, and it doesn't matter how negative their body language is when you walk up.

Even the mean ones, they're glad you tried and you'll make a lot of girls feel desired. Aussie women like it just as much as European women - they're just not used to having it happen, so stop blaming them.

As for the ones who are rude or mean, they may have just had a nasty breakup, they might be lesbians, they might be in a horrible mood, they might have been raped a week ago, they might... it could go on forever, just stop making it personal to yourself.

It's wonderful being a guy so it pisses me off to hear Aussie guys playing the victim card. Guys, we can do whatever we want and chase girls and we're not judged negatively for it. This isn't true for women. If you think how this effects everything else, then you should realise that the deck is stacked ridiculously in our favour.

We can go up and talk to any woman and she'll love it. Women constantly have to worry about being labeled a sl*t (unfairly, imo, but that's simply the reality) and have to protect their reputation and worry about what friends/family will think. We don't. They also have to (from evolution) deal with all the negative consequences of sex which, until very very recently, had a significantly high chance of leading to death during pregnancy for women.

So can't you imagine why women want to test you to check you're a legitimate guy with good intentions.

Oh and look at how their body language is responding, not what they're saying. My personal favourite is when I hear: "We shouldn't do this" that's when I know it's on. I prefer to say that first, it always gets a laugh and they know two things: that you really know what's going on and that it's on.

So, I know that covered a lot of ground. But I honestly feel like slapping Aussie guys with a but hefty mullet across the face when they complain about Aussie women or the difficulty of meeting women.

Guys, it is far trickier for girls and you just have to grow a thick skin - it's worth it.

For girls, I don't know what to do if you can't find a guy. I'd just say to adopt a hobby that has a lot of guys there - like rock climbing, it's also a good workout and you'll have your pick of the blokes. Otherwise I'm pretty useless. The website I run is designed for helping men not women.

Oh and if you see a cute girl you want to meet, here's your default:

Go up to the girl, get her attention and look around like you're really confused and say: "Hey, did you invite all these people? I thought it was just going to be you and me" works well in any public place with people around.

If she's with another girl, walk up and say: "Oh, this is so cute, first date?" and point to both of them.

If they;re rude, they've disqualified themselves and you can just say: "No sense of humour huh? That's a shame. Pleasure meeting you." and walk away. Always be polite, it's not her fault if she wasn't raised with good manners or is having a bad day.

Great post Gary, and so true. As an Aussie woman I have to add though that sometimes women like to go out to a club or pub with their girlfriends and not have to fend off men's advances especially if they are drunk, sleazy, have no manners or social skills or are unattractive. Many girls out on the town have boyfriends or hubbies at home and are just out for a drink not to pick up. The best thing for guys who are getting the rejection is to take the first no as a no and not a come on and leave it there. If the guy continues to pester and harass then we may have to be rude to get the message across which of course leaves the guy thinking "what a *****" when all he had to do was say "sorry to bother you" and leave. Surely it's not that hard?

Some guys really need to take courses in body language to avoid approaching women who are clearly not interested and a girl chatting to another girl and not smiling or making goo goo eyes at the guy is not interested.
Great post Gary, and so true. As an Aussie woman I have to add though that sometimes women like to go out to a club or pub with their girlfriends and not have to fend off men's advances especially if they are drunk, sleazy, have no manners or social skills or are unattractive. Many girls out on the town have boyfriends or hubbies at home and are just out for a drink not to pick up. The best thing for guys who are getting the rejection is to take the first no as a no and not a come on and leave it there. If the guy continues to pester and harass then we may have to be rude to get the message across which of course leaves the guy thinking "what a *****" when all he had to do was say "sorry to bother you" and leave. Surely it's not that hard?

Some guys really need to take courses in body language to avoid approaching women who are clearly not interested and a girl chatting to another girl and not smiling or making goo goo eyes at the guy is not interested.

Right, I definitely agree on the body language bit. As for accepting a "no" type response (shouldn't be asking yes or no questions anyway) then I'd have to say that you need to change her mood - not her mind. I also suggest that if all the girls wanted was a drink, they could do that at a friend's place and save a big amount of money but I'll agree sometimes it's just nice to go out.

Just accepting the first negative response is like telling a salesman that someone who's come to their car yard is just looking and isn't going to buy. I know it can suck for you ladies when you're not in the mood, but your end of the deal is accepting that if you're attractive, guys will come and take the chance (or at least should) and dealing with it is just something you'll have to accept.

I hope most guys have enough skill to know when to cut their losses, as a time management system if nothing else. Equally, women often have what is commonly know as a "B*tch shield" (for the record, I loathe the B word). It's not that women want to be mean or rude, but it's just as the previous poster said - it's time management. If they're nice then guys don't go away. So by not taking the hint, as guys, we're often creating the kind of behavior most men don't like in women - and then blaming them for it! And then we feel aggreived??

Look, attractive women get looked at, approached, hit on, and chatted up constantly. Often it's very subtle and it's nonstop. And, surprise, surprise, it gets old - fast. Sure, it's great for the first few weeks or months after a girl has blossomed into a woman, but when it's 24/7 it really would start to **** you off after a while.

And remember, women generally don't choose guys based on looks, so how the heck is she supposed to divine that you're a wonderful person?? So don't expect her to be nice and fall all over you from the get go.

In fact, you'd probably feel paranoid later on if she did. You'd think "Wow, that was easy, I hope that when I'm not with her she doesn't get approached by a smooth guy". So in fact, the harder it was to get her smiling in the beginning, the better you can rest later as you know 99.9% of guys can't/won't get past that shield :)

Look, the fact of the matter is, I could meet a woman who tells me to: "F*ck off" very rudely right of the bat. I could turn it around - it's actually not that hard, and those women tend to be the easiest to woo after you've got them smiling and laughing within 5 minutes because they're thinking "Wow, this guy is invincible and his confidence and self-belief is unshakable" - do you think women go for guys who have that? Better believe they do.

But, I also have to decide what I want. Look around guys, there are stunning women everywhere, all the time and women are wonderful. On the other hand, real men who have their life together and know how to treat and handle the women in their life with respect and in a way that's fun for the women are very, very rare indeed.

If the dating world were a marketplace, I'd have a really hard time "selling" a beautiful woman, why? Too much competition. Whereas I could "sell" a well put together man without getting out of bed. So, once you get that, you can't really whinge about men getting a raw deal. We have it made. I didn't make the rules, I simply play the game.

So, you see a gorgeous woman, looks-wise she's a 10 for you. She's dolled up to the nines and looks like she stepped out of your dreams. She's already invested a ridiculous amount of time and energy in her life just to be attractive to men like you. You go up and she tells you to "f*ck off" then who's losing out? You can always find another good looking woman, and what did you actually invest?

Also, women who behave that way have already given you a big clue that they may have some issues and that she might not be the kind of girl you're looking for. So really, you should thank her for saving your precious time.

Oh, and another reason why men have to stop whinging, is that time works in our favour. In general (just a generalisation) men are attracted to women based on the way women look and women are attracted to men primarily based on their internal characteristics (personality, strength, charm, etc...). One gets much better with age, the other doesn't.

It's also much easier, cheaper and more rewarding for everything in your life to develop and improve yourself internally, and it's expensive, inefficient, and only partly successful to improve the way you look (plastic surgery). Regardless of how effective the surgery is, there's always a younger woman who is willing to usurp/undermine the girl that was there first.

Just calling it how I see it, and I'm not saying any of this is the way it SHOULD be, just saying this is the way it appears to work now and probably will for the rest of my lifetime.

So, there's no reason for a man to take "no" as the final answer because it bothers the woman in the moment. But you do have to weigh up if it's going to take you an hour to get anyway and if it's worth it to you. You also have to be honest about your skill level and ability to do that. If all you're going to do is annoy the woman, then leave her alone (don't use this as an excuse not to try in the first place though).

But if you KNOW (90% accuracy) that you can handle her negative energy and transform it and turn it around into a positive experience, then go for it, she'll be glad you did and thankful she's finally met a man who knows how to do that.

It may be the only time in her life that she experiences it and most women never will, these kind of men are very, very few and far between and that is an extraordinary tragedy, but an unfathomable blessing for the men who do the self-development work and get their life together.

I know this is a long post and maybe not the place. But goodness me, it really pisses me off that not enough men are being told this and it needs to be said. The more guys who can step out of denial, take responsibility and become amazing men, the better it is for everyone involved.

Women are crying out for men to step up in this way, and trust me, the concept of competition will no longer exist for you once you're on that plane, in fact you'll start pushing other guys to step up because you simply can't handle the demand.

Then perhaps you start posting on online fourms about.... :p
And remember, women generally don't choose guys based on looks,

Hahaha dude, what planet are you from? People that say they don't choose someone based on looks is either blind or a liar.

In fact, you'd probably feel paranoid later on if she did. You'd think "Wow, that was easy, I hope that when I'm not with her she doesn't get approached by a smooth guy". So in fact, the harder it was to get her smiling in the beginning, the better you can rest later as you know 99.9% of guys can't/won't get past that shield :)

This only applies to guys with no confidence.

The thing I don't understand with blokes that whinge about women is that they either don't understand or choose to ignore one thing: In all of those situations, there's one common denominator: YOU.
Perhaps if you have enough doubts to ask advise on a forum you have some reservations about this lady? Is it really just the age or is it your gut telling you otherwise?

I have found from experiences both bad and good my gut feeling is usually right.

If it really is just age .. go for it aND have fun!
Me too,if you can't make your mind up within 90 seconds, best off just keep,walking...willair..
Hahaha dude, what planet are you from? People that say they don't choose someone based on looks is either blind or a liar.

I absolutely, 100% stand by my statement. If a gorgeous man walked into a room with 100 women in there, then I believe very, very few women would be willing to sleep with him right off the bat without speaking to him or knowing him. Whereas if a gorgeous woman walked into a room with 100 guys in there, most of the guys in the room could sleep with her without talking to her.

When I say looks, I'm talking about your genetic looks. I'm not referring to hygene (spelling?), fashion, body language, etc... or anything else you can alter.

Sure, good looks can help, but I think they can often be a hindrance, a lot of girls see a good looking guy and their guard goes up and they think: "Oh, he's probably a player, I can't trust him, I better be careful". If you ever read the story of D'Nunzio (spelling?), a famous Italian man, he was so hideous looking that many men left him alone with their wives because they thought he so ugly that there's no way they would like him.

As it turned out, he was so good with words that he became not only a master seducer, but he also ended up becoming very successful politically.

If you've bought the media fiction that a man's looks make much of a difference, then you've been sold a dud belief, and I suggest you look around in the world and take note. Oh, and women don't choose men for money either, a very small minority might - but they're the twisted ones.

Women choose men based on their level of attraction to the man, comfort with him and ability to trust him. They choose men for the way that man may make her feel and everything else they'll ignore. Even ugliness, poverty, and (unfortunately) really abusive behaviors.

If you have an alternative explanation for the way things are in the world (such as women chasing bad boys, etc.) then I'd love to hear it. I can tell you, I know a lot of good looking guys who couldn't get a girl to save their life.
Hahaha dude, what planet are you from? People that say they don't choose someone based on looks is either blind or a liar.

This only applies to guys with no confidence.

The thing I don't understand with blokes that whinge about women is that they either don't understand or choose to ignore one thing: In all of those situations, there's one common denominator: YOU.

Women are not visual beings, they need more than good looks to keep them interested, unlike men.

Show a naked photo of a chick to a guy and he is in love. Show a naked dude to a woman, and you will get an average reaction at best.
Hahaha dude, what planet are you from? People that say they don't choose someone based on looks is either blind or a liar.
I like naturally blonde men or ones with quite 'bright' hair and pale skin ... ie ones with very reddish hair. Which leaves me with a long-term relationship track record of 3 blondes, 1 redhead and one with lily white skin and 'red' hair so dark it is almost black. I have pale skin and I once had very gold hair myself before I was silly enough to breed and it went darker, so I guess I just like men who 'match'.

Those swarthy dark-haired hunks or boring mousy blondes do nothing for me I'm afraid, no matter how chiseled those abs.