Employment figures for July '09

Goldman Sachs already posted a note to its instiutional clients about this issue.
Basically they concluded and i have to write from memory here, i cant remember the exact words:

if australia have surplus labour coupled with uncertainty why do you need to advertise. People are sending you their resumes directly, or are getting jobs through the 'network'. So no need to waste money on advertising.

good point,
i agree and the data reflect that drop in advertising doesn't equal rising unemployment.
but what about if advertising is increasing? that must be really good...unless are government relatedjobs that have to follow the advertising procedure.
In any case charts that put together advertising and unemployment are close related (wouldn't diverge)
WA unemployment is falling. Resources states will lead the way out of this mess.

No unemployment in my part of rural NSW either, and I've known no one yet to have lost a job. Full employment here for anyone who wants it. Admittedly you'd have to say this was a commodity based area.

See ya's.
where are the guys that said the world would end and the all ords would hit 2000? as whittaker said in a a recent article, the shock market is up close to 50%... nothing is different this time round. Unemployment forecasts being cut, resources super boom brewing, house prices on the rise - and so we go round again.
where are the guys that said the world would end and the all ords would hit 2000? as whittaker said in a a recent article, the shock market is up close to 50%... nothing is different this time round. Unemployment forecasts being cut, resources super boom brewing, house prices on the rise - and so we go round again.

...and a new GFC will never happen again...:D