
Saw a total of 4 kids in the street. No one knocked on our door.

(Hubby and I sat on the verandah watching the storm and enjoying the rain. What a great evening!)

Thats another year done, good... now we can get on with CHRISTMAS!!! Love it! :D
I caught up with my grandsons today (6 & 10yo). They went over to their cousins place last night but he was out at a Halloween party and doing trick & treating. Grandsons were disapointed. The aunty found some stuff in her sons room for them to dress up in and they went out t & ting too (they've never done it before). My daughter went with them (she hasn't done it before either). Apparently, Halloween is alive and well in Bondi! They had a ball! Balloons and cobwebs everywhere. Creaking doors, the Vincent Price laugh off the Thriller album when you rang doorbells, fog machines, adults dressed up when they answered the door and one house that had the letterbox flap taped up and a sign that said 'put your hand in if you dare'. My grandkids did and the person was on the other side with a slimy, gooey hand of their own and grabbed theirs. Scared the hell out of them and they loved it! Of the couple of houses that weren't prepared they got money instead - 20c or 50c. And I know my grandson 'tricked' by doing that thing where it looks like you've got half a thumb cut off (not sure how the whole tricking thing works).

So in 24 hours I've gone from 'stupid American tradition' to 'it gets the family walking about together, the kids have fun, it's not so bad. :p

Now if I could just bring Guy Fawkes night to Oz - it's where you make a 'guy' (think scarecrow sort of) and you sit in the street like a busker with your guy displayed and people give you money and you buy fireworks and later you have a bonfire and burn your guy and.................................oh, never mind.....:eek:

okay i really have to chime in.

funny that America is a fundamentally christian country celebrating the beginning of winter in the pagan tradition of Samhain or SamFuin ("Summer's End/Eve/Sunset") which is a basic harvest festival celebrating the coming of the "darker half" of the year.

the use of costumes and masks is to ease the spirits by impersonating them as the border between the "otherworld" is closer to us during the "darker half" of the year, and fire plays a large part of these festivities for rituals and animal sacrifice - which is probably where the lantern comes into it.

funny that in Australia, we're actually moving INTO the lighter half of the year, so it could be construed as a celebration of such and a marking of the PASSING of the darker half - which is not pagan at all - as pagans celebrate the coming, not the going.

it's a time honoured tradition that is no way Amercian in it's roots.

It's Celtic - and considering the emigration of farmers to North America, Hallowe'en makes a little more sense. However, Hallowe'en and Samhein are TWO VERY DIFFERENT traditional practises. Hallowe'en is very Anglo-Saxon (duh!) and since not too many people are druids these days, clearly it stands that Halowe'en would take over.

So remember your roots folks. Just because one country has b*st*rdised it with commercialism and sugar and plastic and pumpkins, doesn't mean it belongs to that country.

for the record, we had strawberries and apples and potatoes out with our lollies (no, it's not "candy"). you can guess which went where.
Here, in Canada, we would never allow our childen to eat fruit and homemade sweets. Everything would need to be commercially made, otherwise it is too dangerous.
So the giving of fruit etc is just a waste.
No, not sarcasm,
only Packaged and sealed products
candies - lysergic acid diethylamide
hash cookies​
given to kids by drug f_c_ed morons
apples au razor blades
and inspect packaging for piercings before you let the kids eat it
3 musketeers + needles
lollipop + steel shavings
. the number of tamperings is v.small
but persistent, every year

http://www.inforum.com/event/article/id/258301/group/home/ (2009)
http://www.citytv.com/toronto/cityn...pered-halloween-candy-emerge-in-durham-region (2008)

far more kids get hit by cars
fall up/down stairs they cant see through masks

or get taken by headless horsemen?

i thought canada was the land of "leave your doors unlocked".

maybe don't take the kids to the houses that have half a car body as a lawn ornament and razor wire around the roof then...?

that's ONE isolated incident. knee jerk reaction?
one incident . . ...
every year one or more reported incidents
more unreported incidents
more manufacturing errors (that only happen in late October)

99.999% don't have LSD, rohypnol, ipecac, rat poison, steel wire, metal shavings, needles, cold pills

would you not check the 'treats' your kids bring home ?
I like my kids most of the time, well, 51% of the time.

I'm upstairs, Kathryn is at work
Sebastian's in his room
David is playing video games
Danny is watching tv,
Jennifer is way down the back doing something noisily musical(?)
and, the front door is unlocked.
The Sullivans would blend right in our little town, so do all the **expletive deleted**s blend right in.
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are you being sarcastic....?!

No, unfortunately.
Even when I was a child....um...40 years ago.
Any apples we received were used for pie or applesauce. This way it could be checked for razors etc.
We were not to eat any candy until we went home and our parents checked it first.

Canada is the same as any other country. Most people are nice, it is the few weirdos you need to watch for.
sorry - but i have never heard of razors in apples or needles in chocolate bars.

it must be a canada only thing.

but you ssaid it yourself - 99.99% of cases it doesnt happen.

you cant stop your kids doing something because there'a 0.01% chance of danger. well, actually, you can do as you please, but i certainly wouldn't :)
sorry - but i have never heard of razors in apples or needles in chocolate bars.
The Ostrich effect,
Things I havent heard of dont exist
it must be a canada only thing.
Wow, There are no crazies in Aus?
No crime?
Things have changed amazingly since my last visit home
the police can retire? they're unneeded now?


Token's links are American,
but you ssaid it yourself - 99.99% of cases it doesnt happen.

you cant stop your kids doing something because there'a 0.01% chance of danger. well, actually, you can do as you please, but i certainly wouldn't :)
and dont wear a seat belt, most people don't crash and die.
Common sense perhaps is not common any more
Children are mass produced by unskilled labour, replacement of damaged ones is not an option
....rather than start a new thread, I thought I'd add to this one.

It's that time of the year again....

I was out the front sweeping and raking up, plenty of groups rolling through whilst out there.

All I could think of was Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino.

Jeez, these kids are soooo soft...worse than marshmallows. Given everything, protected every step of the way. Most looked at me with a broom in my hand like it, and I, were an alien.

Ahhhh, feel better now. This Somersoft thing is sooo much cheaper than a shrink.