Hot enough for ya???11

Ah - waking up to the sound of moderate and steady rain on the tin roof - just lovely.

Sorry that Queensland had to suffer so that we could have a few days of soaking stuff. Fill you damn dams - fill!
I've home from the Gold Coast now. Am glad to get away from there, the wind on our last night on Friday was a bit strong for my liking, and at 17 floors high felt unusual. Also glad to get out as some roads could end up blocked if the predicted rainfall amounts turn into reality.

Just soft soaking rain here on the Liverpool Plains. Up to 23 mills now and looks like it might rain for days. This is the first soft rain we've had since the big dry started in early July. All the rain since July has just been hit and miss storm stuff.

Hoping for the forecast 75 mills over a few days. That will be just perfect. Sorghum crop looks fantastic now, and could be a bigger than average yielder.

See ya's.
You left just in time TC. Blowing a gale here, worse than yesterday and Friday and I don't think the worst of it has arrived yet.

BTW, the parklands at Broadbeach are now most appropriately coloured for the Oz Day weekend. Even with yesterday's mild rain they are now green and gold rather than the parched yellow of Friday. By tomorrow with the wet conditions they will be fully green. They bounce back quickly. I hope we don't get the strength of winds that hit around the Bundaberg precinctand, further north. :(
366mm here since 9am yesterday. 4 trees down so far.

That is a lot. Where in Brisbane are you Hoffy?

I'd be guessing we've had up to 80 - 100mm where we are on the GC and that's from pool level. I only backwashed a couple of hours ago. The winds are intense though and getting worse.
That is a lot. Where in Brisbane are you Hoffy?

I'd be guessing we've had up to 80 - 100mm where we are on the GC and that's from pool level. I only backwashed a couple of hours ago. The winds are intense though and getting worse.

Samford. 20km NW of CBD. Cedar Creek (base of Mt Glorious) a further 10-15kms out has had over 250mm since this morning. They should crack 12 inches in less than 12 hours.

Rain is ok, it's the trees falling over that annoy me. As luck would have it I serviced the chainsaw last week.
We haven't had anywhere near the amount of rain as the rest of you, however we did have a massive storm last night. Lots of trees down around the place.

My sister was on a cruise on the lake and had to be rescued by a tugboat.
We haven't had anywhere near the amount of rain as the rest of you, however we did have a massive storm last night. Lots of trees down around the place.

My sister was on a cruise on the lake and had to be rescued by a tugboat.

There's a tugboat in Canberra? :p

Plenty of rain and wind here in Port Mac. Apparently it's swinging around and coming back as well. Koolumbung creek came within 2cm of breaking it's banks, and we had water coming up through the drains in the main street. Very lucky compared to Grafton.
I know it wasn't funny - but still had to chuckle at the last line when passing a sign near Newcastle today advising:

"Pacific Highway cut at Grafton
New England Highway cut at Tenterfield
Queensland is inacessable"
Update, at the moment I am in SYD working and it is raining here, but in VIC we are "dry as a chip". Really dry.

Great for apple and fruit orchards etc as the water reserves are full and the weather hot but everywhere is dusty and cracks in the ground.

FYI Peter