How do i find HomesWest homes?

I say this so i can stay the hell away from them...

Every(3) homeswest house ive seen has aboriginals in them. You might be shocked to hear this but they sometimes arent the best neighbours:eek:

Theres a homeswest house across from me and as we speak(so to speak) they are having the biggest domestic. I come from the streets so when i say its a domestic i mean it.

So tired of living near HomesWest houses. The neighbours are cool when i chat to them (well after i give em a smoke anyway) in the morning but dagnabit they are worst neighbours.

Is there a database where i can findout where HomesWest homes are? Need to move asap
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What are HomesWest homes?

Gov houses mostly for aboriginals or the very needy but mostly aboriginals. There usually located in mortgage belt areas. I just need to find a database that has there main locations so i nowhere to stay away from in particular

It really sux living next to or near a HomesWest house. That one house can devalue an entire street sometimes
Go to Homewest & ask them. If you like the house you live in and you want THEM removed, campaign to have those people removed.

A daily phone call / complaint to Homewest, a phone call to the local police whenever there's a disturbance until they know your voice when you ring, and also put it in writing each time (depends on how much effort you want to put in & how much you actually like living there) and you might get them kicked out. Also, talk to your other neighbours who don't smoke for support.

Worked for us. We knew about some of the neighbours before we put an offer in on our first house & were prepared for a bit of noise. Only took a couple of months to get them kicked out. It was a nice house, but was obviously priced to sell because of the neighbours and it was on the market for a very long time because of it.

Good luck.
Go to Homewest & ask them. If you like the house you live in and you want THEM removed, campaign to have those people removed.

A daily phone call / complaint to Homewest, a phone call to the local police whenever there's a disturbance until they know your voice when you ring, and also put it in writing each time (depends on how much effort you want to put in & how much you actually like living there) and you might get them kicked out. Also, talk to your other neighbours who don't smoke for support.

Worked for us. We knew about some of the neighbours before we put an offer in on our first house & were prepared for a bit of noise. Only took a couple of months to get them kicked out. It was a nice house, but was obviously priced to sell because of the neighbours and it was on the market for a very long time because of it.

Good luck.

Ok. What about litter? And this is the honest to goodness truth...the dump looks alot more appealing then there house. Homeswest i think arent fussy with that kinda thing but blimey it can make you feel sick just looking at a filthy place.

Maybe its a mental thing but it makes me mentally sick. Ive checked the next street over for comparative sales and its amazing the power that one house can have on an entire street. 40K difference wouldnt suprise me on comparables. I guess others may think the same as me
Homeswest Housing Zones- Metro Map

The Department of Housing has three metropolitan regions and seven country regions. The metropolitan regions are divided into zones and the country regions by towns.

One of the objectives of Homeswest is to provide appropriate and affordable housing options for people who cannot access the private market. Its programs are directed at low-income renters and home buyers, disadvantaged groups and people with special housing needs.

Homeswest divides its services into three major programs each with several sub-programs.

1. Rental Operations Program

To provide affordable rental accommodation to Western Australians on low to moderate income with the following programs:

Public Rental Housing – to provide affordable, safe and secure rental accommodation to those Western Australians with a housing need.

Bond Assistance – to provide bond assistance loans to help people obtain private rental accommodation.

Community Housing – to develop a viable community housing sector in Western Australia including cooperative housing, joint ventures, crisis accommodation and housing for special needs groups.

Aboriginal Housing – to ensure that Aboriginal people have appropriate housing and support services.

Property Leasing – to lease property other than vacant land, to maximise returns and protect the asset while awaiting redevelopment, refurbishment or sale.

Procurement – to ensure the timely deliver of suitable rental housing into the appropriate program of need, either by constructing housing units on Homeswest land or land owned by joint venture partners, or by acquiring land or completed house and land packages in locations of high rental demand.

Land Acquisitions – to purchase single residential, grouped housing lots for rental housing and broadhectare land for future development to accommodate the rental program and first home owner market.

Construction – to provide cost-effective residential dwellings, funded by the Commonwealth State Housing Agreement, by using private sector design, contract administration and building resources.

Minor Works – to perform minor upgrades of selected Homeswest properties by contract.

2. Home Ownership Program

3. Land Program

Though don't forget, Homeswest can and do, source rentals from the private market also for their tenants, as well as assist them with Bonds to get into a private rental.

Homeswest also provide KEYSTART (amongst many others) to enable home ownership for tenants which do not quality for public rental assistance, but who cannot obtain private sector finance.
I think it's all positive. It would be great if it was developed like Subiaco or East Perth. It will be great to get rid of all the old pokey Homeswest homes. Ashfield Parade and Hardy Road is looking pretty good already, The higher densities will be closer to Guildford road. It would be great to have a cafe strip, and new Train Station.
Ok. What about litter?
It was a dump across the road from us aswell.........and the local disco, party house, thoroughfare to properties behind them (also drop in centres)........the list goes on.

Once they were kicked out, the place was cleaned up and new tenants moved in & the fenced was fixed. Not perfect new tenants, but 1000% improvement.

Incidentally, the house has been flattened now & making way for development.
Ok. What about litter?
It was a dump across the road from us aswell.........and the local disco, party house, thoroughfare to properties behind them (also drop in centres)........the list goes on.

Once they were kicked out, the place was cleaned up and new tenants moved in & the fenced was fixed. Not perfect new tenants, but 1000% improvement.

Incidentally, the house has been flattened now & making way for development.

Do you know how they got kicked out? id love to know. Many complaints from neighhours? If thats all it takes il start the process
- Our property (in WA) was tenanted for a few months before we moved in after settlement on a commercial basis so were going by the tenant's advice for daylight hours, neighbours experience and our first hand experience from living 3 houses down on another street.
- We knew across the road was a Homeswest house before we bought it.
- I rang the Homewest Manager then confirmed everything in writing. It went along the lines of :

"Further to our discussion..........
- We've bought #1 Bomb Street, across the road from one of your properties
- Living in close proximity prior to buying the property, we have experienced the anti-social behaviour & condition of that house for some time
- We understand you have a job to do, but in order for us to have your tenant removed, we will do our utmost to ensure it happens. Please be assured this is not a personal matter with you or your department. It relates only to establishing a peaceful street for ourselves, neighbours, visitors & guests.
- We will you contact you & / or your office with any anti-social behaviour (we had loud music sometimes 24hrs a day, punch ups out the front, yelling / screaming, fires out the back during fire bans to name a few), confirm same in writing so you have it on file, and contact the police.
- If need, we will petition the neighbours to do the same
- Please ensure confidentiality of this matter between us

One of our neighbours wrote a letter of complaint to Homeswest about them before we moved in.

I think it was about two months before they moved out. There were some nights we called the police a few times a night. They got annoyed with us, but that was the idea. We told them what we were trying to achieve from the start & to expect our calls. They understood & realised that is what had to be done to make it happen. They didn't like it as much as I didn't enjoy what felt like 'nagging' them.

They weren't just horror neighbours, there were safety issues aswell we were conerned about. We didn't want to be exposed to it.

When the new tenants moved in, we went & introduced ourselves, told them where we lived, discussed the fact we helped have the previous tenant removed & the reasons why. In other words, take note!

Good luck.
Wow. Id hate to meet you in a dark alley:eek: :)

Cheers for that. You gotta do what you gotta do. Especially if its the only real solution available to you. Im guessing the police understood this very well and abided themselves

Bravo to you. I wouldnt want get on your bad side thats for sure:p

Thanks for the help
Id hate to meet you in a dark alley. I wouldnt want get on your bad side thats for sure
It's just the power of the pen and no fear to speak your mind when it concerns your living standards and investment.

Im guessing the police understood this very well and abided themselves
They understand. They're used to it (social issues).

Hope it all works out for you.
Just foundout you can trade a Homeswest home if your an occupant. Strange system the guv have around here. Saw a list in the Quokka with people looking to swap with other Homeswest occupants.

All seems wierd to me.