I'm getting noticed!

My little website is moving along with a lot of help from Ebay. It's slow going and taking a lot of work.

Anyway.....the other day I got an email from one of my competitors. It came through the contact form on the site, with a fake email address and had a threatening tone to it.

Apparently this competitor doesn't like my pricing and doesn't like that he doesn't know who the heck I am. He's one of these 'derby only' stores and has his nose put out because I contacted a Derby team. Apparently only he's allowed to do that.:rolleyes:

If only more customers would find me.
If your compeditors can find you and are worried about you, eventually the customers will find you too, especially when they realise the reasons your compeditors were worried.

I started my main hobby using one particular dealer. I've long since outgrown them (for many reasons) and found far better suppliers whom I now deal with.
Hadn't noticed your website before but I'm going to the rollerderby on the 16th of Feb with a bunch of friends. Should be fun.
take it as a mark of pride - you're getting up your competition's noses.

make a point of it - publish a blog on your site with the letter!

Unfortunately I don't yet have a blog. Part of me is really annoyed at this jerk, while the other part says "Game On"!!!!;)
congratulations, sounds like you're disrupting your industry. If you don't do it someone else will eventually see the opportunity and do it anyway by the sounds of things.
Well done!! The fresh meat packs had me a bit worried though!!:D

Oh, I know! Terrible terminology, isn't it? :rolleyes:

Still.......I've seen some of the Newbie Roller Derby girls and some of them really are like lambs to the slaughter, so the term is probably fitting.
congratulations, sounds like you're disrupting your industry. If you don't do it someone else will eventually see the opportunity and do it anyway by the sounds of things.

Haha, thankyou!

There are a couple of BIG online stores that only sell Roller Derby stuff. The guy who made the threats runs one of these.

Me! Well, yes, I sell most of the same stuff that he sells, but I have barely any turnover as yet.

Does he really think that an intimidating email is going to put me out of Business? Really??
What are they doing differently to get high turnover?

They've been around a lot longer, so they are well known. I'm well known too, but only with the artistc (figure) skaters, which is a very small market & most of them buy through their coach/local rink. This is where I'm struggling. Getting the site noticed.
When I started up a Victorian Division for a big Sydney firm, the local guy was quite threatening on the mobile phone. My last laugh was that he eventually went to jail over a similar related to the business transaction
I had exactly the same thing happen when I started out. Every dollar I made, was 'stolen' from my competitor (my former employer :D)

Let your product and services do the talking, and dont even engage in any riff raff, unless of course it is seriously threatening.

You are only as good as your last job/sale....so always strive to make it positive, and the rest will come!
