Makes you think..

$150k is a typical accountant salary for this sort of work and yes it is pretty ordinary - often very stressful too.

Yeah; I spill that at the bar every year....

Given that the majority of folk don't earn more than $60k per year out there, I'm getting really tired of hearing comments from folk on this site about how $100k+ incomes are "ordinary" or nothing to sneeze at.

Get in the real world you blokes; most people don't earn a lot; certainly not over $100k.

And you think accounting is stressful? Give 'em a hanky.

Mind you; every job with an income over $150k has some stress attached; if it didn't, or was easy to obtain, everyone would be doing it.

You want stress?; be a cop on the beat or a nurse on the ward - who don't earn anywhere near those numbers, even with doing loads of graveyard shifts, weekends and Pub Hols. How many accountants work them apples? Maybe a few extra days around June, and might get a paper cut..

If you blokes are of the income level which determines that $150k is chicken feed, or "pretty ordinary" then you don't need to be here arguing the toss about how to get richer from PI.

All you need to do in that case is learn how to live like someone on a $40k income, sock away the difference for some IP deposits, do it for 10 years, buy 2 IP's as you go that are cashflow neutral or pos from day one and live happily ever after. Easy.

No need to be here insulting the poorer folk then.

You shouldn't be making such flippant remarks when there are those on SS who are probably poor and/or lower income earners trying to learn and get ahead through PI.

Rant over.
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hehe @bayview

I think the discussion was not that 150k is chicken feed - more that its chicken feed considering his position as a c level manager for aleading law firm.

Fwiw though i do agree that when aussies complain about only earning 6 figures they need a good dose of reality.
Having spent a few nights with bedouins living in caves in the rocky steppes of Yemen, I reckon EVERYONE in Australia, bar nobody at all, needs to get a good dose of reality.

No-one in Australia is poor.