
it is that time of the year again, maintaining our annual tradition, to have a Xmas get together/dinner (good excuse to have a bite to eat & a few drinks). With that in mind, we have managed to confirm a date & a venue for our Xmas dinner, details being:

When: Wednesday 13th December
Time: 6.30pm
Where: The Moreland Hotel
Address: 882 Sydney Rd, Brunswick
Booking name: Booking under "Somersoft"
Foods: they have a comprehensive menu (well priced) & you pay for food & drinks as you order them
Who: everyone is invited, feel free to bring along family or friends

Now, to ensure we have adequate seating, pls reply to this post if you intend to come along, indicating numbers (ie. coming with husband/wife/kids)... FYI, I have reserved 30 seats (as per previous years), which has been adequate in the past, but by RSVP'ing it would make life easier (in case we need additional seating arranged)...


Hi Y-man,

that was a quick reply :)

Looking forward to catching up with everyone... I'll definately be there... :)


Count me in - only 1 though

My friends are the Somersoft crowd :D

Looking forward to catching up on everyone's news

I'll be there and will may be bringing along a friend. Will put down one at this stage and let you know about the other in a week or so if thats ok?

I'll be going to the December meeting at the Moreland, I've only met Dale so far, so it will be great to finally meet everyone else.

I'm not sure if I'm going to word this correctly so bear with me please. Last year I gave some unwanted clothes to the local Salvos & whilst I was there I overheard a young lass with 2 kids asking the woman at the counter whether they had any food for free for Christmas. You could tell by the look on her face she was sooooo embarrased to be asking...anyway it was then I thought that maybe I could help.

I came up with the fruit cake idea. I thought if I could get all my family & friends to make/buy a fruit cake I could give them to the local salvos & they inturn could hand them out to people like that young lass free at Xmas time. Fruit cakes because they keep for ages and you can not only eat them on xmas day but there is always heaps left over and hence people could eat them for weeks to come for lunches/afternoon tea.

To cut a long story short - last year I managed to hand over 120 fruit cakes! This year I'm aiming to be able to give them 200 and was wondering if anyone who is coming to the December meeting would make one or buy one for me to give. I can provide a recipe and it will cost all of $3.80 to make + an hour and a half of your time or you can buy a cheap no name one from Safeways for $1.80. I'll be there handing them out on the day, so you can be %100 assured they will go to people who truely need them.

I really want to make sure that people know that I'm not demanding this, and fully understand if you don't bring one...this is just my little project to help out & I'm sure everyone else has there own way of helping people less fortunate at Christmas time. If there is an interest in doing this I'll post a quick and easy recipe in the next week.


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Good to see the replies coming in, slowly but surely, should be a great evening & looking forward to it...

JustKate --> Great idea with the cake, hopefully a good number of cakes are received from our group for your worthy cause... Don't forget to post your recipe... :)


put me down for 1 and 2 cakes....

Might be a little l8 but will be there...

what time do meals finish at the Moreland...

Will b good 2 see a few old faces...


I don't think I'll be going for the whole eat/dinner thing due to not being %100 well and I honestly don't think I could stomach a 3 course meal, but will DEFINETLY be there for a drink and to meet everyone at long last:)

Fruit cake recipe.

120gm / 4oz margarine
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
1 teaspoon bi-carb soda
1 tablespoon mixed spice
375gms / 12.5oz mixed fruit
2 cups self raising flour
2 beaten eggs

Put into a pan the margarine, sugar, water, bicarb soda, mixed spice and dried fruit.
Boil, while stirring, for 12 minutes.
Allow to cool.
Add beaten eggs.
Add the flour and mix well.
Pour into a lined 20cm / 8 inch cake tin.
Bake in a 160*c / 325*f / gas 3 oven for about 1 hour or until cooked.

To all those people who said they can't make on but will buy one thats more than fine :) Like I said before I don't expect people to do this, we all help in our own way hey.

