the most superficial, self-indulgent and vacuous first-world problems

You hop into your "car", program where you want to go, get on the road "track" and it takes you there automatically..somethiing like a hot wheels car set.
No accidents, because car is equipped with sensors.
You hop into your "car", program where you want to go, get on the road "track" and it takes you there automatically..somethiing like a hot wheels car set.
No accidents, because car is equipped with sensors.

BMW already has one of those ... or is it Audi?

A personal leg shaver ...
I don't know what to say ... We had an illegal immigrant El Salvadorian refugee house keeper when I was growing up (bc who doesn't like living in a country where your family members get dragged out of bed in the middle of the night never to be seen again?) - she was supposed to teach us Spanish to maintain our verbal heritage but she learned awesome English ... I once treated myself to a cleaner for 6 months but she was deported back to Columbia in 2007 and I never replaced her bc I bought a property *... I secretly lust after hired help ... See they could unload the clean dishwasher - and load the dirty one ... They could be in charge of locating keys and remote controls and washing ones hair in the morning and warming toilet seats and personal chef duties ... Oh and they could tend to the permaculture garden and chickens ... So in fact it would be a sort of Swiss army knife solution plus you'd be supporting the global economy ... I blame my parents ... They set a bad example in the first place. In fact I blame them for everything.*
Did anybody read the story about the pampered pooches wearing doggie nappies in the paper last weekend? I think that is pretty sad :(. How can those dogs hold their heads up high whilst wearing a doggie nappy?
We have a toy poodle. He's a very scruffy looking poodle, no poncy french bows for our boy :D.

His manhood is on show for all to see even when his wool gets long. I'm a bit confused Sunfish about whether your poodle had a hairy stomach :eek:.
I wonder that about my dog after he raids the kitty litter box ... Or as he likes to think of it: "treasure box of secret forbidden goodness that makes momma scream like a deranged psychotic banshee from the depths of hell" ... Thank gourdness he's adopted ... I'd totally put a dog nappy on his face ...
Oh oh oh!!!

Prosthetic dogs testicles for when you get their dangles de-dangled but you still want your dog to look manly ...

I saw a big boofy staffy at the dog park w his big boofy owner who was a bit of a body builder type ... His dog had little dangles ... Really little ... If he were mine I'd get him desexed out of embarrassment ... But if you wanted to be frivolous you could swap grapes for prosthetic plums ...
How about a robot that rings up restuarants and take away food shops and complains on your behalf (because it's the principle of the thing) but isolates you from having to actually confront and deal with what you see as a problem?

"But Master Luke said the pizza was delivered 7 minutes late..."
Just saw someone post this and thought - yeah baby - now there's a topic for those overly wealthy overly slack Aussies to get their teeth into.

What a top competition. Try and think up the slackest, most wanton demand that the 1st world hyper-consumer just must have.

Enjoy. :)
Letter Box Shredder,for all the junk mail that piles up each day,from all the local federal pollies trying to tell me what a great job they are doing..
Letter Box Shredder,for all the junk mail that piles up each day,from all the local federal pollies trying to tell me what a great job they are doing..

If you ever got one which said that all politicians are idiots, shred that immediately.

Otherwise you could be charged for being in possession of state secrets.