Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

I normally don't like carbs. Lately I've been flying through kilos of the stuff. This does explain why I've been gaining close to a kilo a week since the carb fixation took hold ...

Mmmm hot buttered raisin carbs :eek:
Well done everyone. Well another week has passed and I have lost .7kg this week so no where near last week but I knew I couldn't match that.

I did eat a few things I shouldn't but still happy with the result. If I can loose 1kg a week I'm happy. I'm going to Bali in 5 weeks so my goal is to be 70kg by then. I want to buy clothes.

Can't wait for people to notice. That's always a great incentive too.
Can't wait for people to notice. That's always a great incentive too.
Heh. I'm very noticable at the moment. "Hello" has been completely replaced by "how long to go?" or "can't be long now!" and people look me in the stomach not the eyes ...

Very much looking forward to a return to 'normal' shape and size.
Can't wait for people to notice. That's always a great incentive too.

It can be a great incentive, but it can also be a great danger.... it tends to be the time when you start to think you've been working too hard to too long and "deserve" to have some time off the eating plan and begin to "treat" yourself to little snacks etc....... so be vigilant!

How is everyone doing? :)

I'm on track. Lost .6 two weeks ago, then lost .4 last week. Total lost 4.2 Kg.

Knee is feeling stronger. Been having lots of physio. Will start to join in some of the drills at training and see how I go. :D Excited
I;ve lost about 0.5 kg since I finished my "lay down" diet 2 weeks ago. I thought i might have bounced back up again, so I was pleased that I've kept off the weight that I lost when I was sick.

i did formal exercise yday for first time since i was sick, and i suspect I have some lingering lung problems as a result of the pleurisy... I really struggled to do even 15 mins of exercise, and i was struggling with my breathing for the rest of the day. It may just be the lungs stretching for the first time for a while, so I'll try again tomorrow and if still a problem, I'll be heading back to the Dr to see whats happening.


How is everyone doing? :)

I'm halfway my goal... I've lost 16 kg since I started in February... 14-16 kg to go! I must admit it's getting difficult to exercise during winter but I'm hanging onto my daily routine. Clothes (especially pants and jeans) are starting to get loose! :D
i did formal exercise yday for first time since i was sick, and i suspect I have some lingering lung problems as a result of the pleurisy... I really struggled to do even 15 mins of exercise, and i was struggling with my breathing for the rest of the day. It may just be the lungs stretching for the first time for a while, so I'll try again tomorrow and if still a problem, I'll be heading back to the Dr to see whats happening.


Went to Dr this morning... he can notice weight loss, even since last visit, which is encouraging. He thinks lung problem is probably short term, so I have some meds for that, and we'll see how it goes.
But the big news is that my BP is still very low, despite halving the meds I was taking. It was 95/70 at the dr this morning. So, I'm taking half tab for next few days, and then off BP meds altogether to try to get it back up to normal level. (and hoping that it doesn't go high again!)
My "natural" BP is around 125/85ish. It was up to 135/98 or so when I went onto the meds mid last year, and had been sitting at 120/80ish from when I started on BP meds to when I started on metabolic meds early this year.... I assumed that I would probably be on them forever, because of family history of high BP.
I'm surprised, but happy, at the difference a relatively small amount of weight loss has made to BP.

BTW, even though I work in the field (part time), I too am prone to yo yo-ing.

I'm in my early 50s, and highest weight I've been is 103kg. I was 79 when 20 and fit. A healthy weight for me now would be around 80kg.

Last November, I got down to 86kg. Since February, I have been staying up late to trade US markets and write documents related to work. The late nights are seriously bad news. I am not as active as previously, starch and alcohol cravings come back. Since Feb, I am back up to 101kg.

I am often amazed at how my appetite and blood sugar jumps around once my lifestyle stress increases. spending hours at the computer obviously requires a steady stream of blood sugar, and if we don't move, the body will crave starch and caffiene preferentially as a food source for the instant blood sugar hit it gives our brains. But once in a routine like that, the weight just piles on.

IMHO, it is really difficult to control weight, if you do not control other stuff in your life, like sleep, routine, relationships, stress, and activity levels.
I'm halfway my goal... I've lost 16 kg since I started in February... 14-16 kg to go! I must admit it's getting difficult to exercise during winter but I'm hanging onto my daily routine. Clothes (especially pants and jeans) are starting to get loose! :D

Thats great!! Well done and keep up the good work!

Is'nt it a great feeling!!

3 weeks ago i lost just .3 then last week lost only .1. Today i was thrilled to learn i had lost 1.8. I'm understanding how my body works when losing weight. It plateus for a while then the hard work ive done finally shows up on the scale. I'm ok with that, i just keep going week in week out and work hard knowing it will show up on the scales eventually. During those few weeks when i was plateuing I was encouraged and ecstatic to be able to fit into my size 18 bathers, 2 sizes smaller than my other ones. Also can get into heaps of smaller sized tops. So this helped to keep me going.

According to the weight watchers site over the past 10 weeks ive lost an average of .5 a week. I couldn't be happier.

So in total i've lost 6.5 with the help of weight watchers and altogether 8 kilos.

wooohooo :D

I feel so confident and no i can keep it going. I have another 20 kilos to lose. I feel like im in control of my body and my physical health. Its a good feeling.
Well done everyone. Well another week has passed and I have lost .7kg this week so no where near last week but I knew I couldn't match that.

Travel bug, this takes guts to put your weight loss achievements and goal in your sig. Good on you! Hey and keep up the good work! Well done. You have inspired me to do the same in my sig. I was too embarrassed at first to do this, but I shouldn't be, cos I know there are a lot of overweight people. I think it will help me to see it in black and white every time i post on ss. I'm on here so much, its a great avenue for me!!

24/4/10- Weight 78.5kg. 8/5/10- 75.6 15/5/10- 74.9kg 29/5/10- 73.8kg
I've *gained* 18kg to date (like, 1/3 of my normal bodyweight extra). Not long to go now before the turnaround to start losing it ...

*twiddles thumbs waiting*
Travel bug, this takes guts to put your weight loss achievements and goal in your sig. Good on you! Hey and keep up the good work! Well done. You have inspired me to do the same in my sig. I was too embarrassed at first to do this, but I shouldn't be, cos I know there are a lot of overweight people. I think it will help me to see it in black and white every time i post on ss. I'm on here so much, its a great avenue for me!!

Yeah I did think twice about doing it but I thought it would make me more determined. I've slowed down a bit but I figure even if I only lose half a kilo a week that's OK.
Off to Bali tomorrow but I usually lose weight there as I'm exercising heaps and it's hot so I don't eat as much. Unless I stay with my friend then we lay around the beach a lot. :D
Woohoo! Stopped going up and started going down! I got to a grand total of 75kg, 21kg over my usual weight. 10kg of that is already gone. 3.46kg of that is asleep in the lounge, I guess the rest was just assorted goo and a LOT of fluid retention.

The other 11kg I'd be happy to see disappear at 1kg a month, although the flubbery tummy had better be the first thing to go.

Kind of sucks to have no clothes that fit though ... worst is bras. I'm wearing some very old ones - 10 years old - and the lycra in the strap underneath is badly perished and they are a bit loose on the smallest hook so its either take them in some more, or spend a few $100 on some replacement ones. Underwear is expensive stuff :(

Just random info: Go check out Harbour Town if its not TOO FAR of a drive from where ever you are in the country. My partner usually goes shopping there for hers, especially seeing as they will have the same pieces as Myer/other stores for half the price minimum.
Woohoo! Stopped going up and started going down! I got to a grand total of 75kg, 21kg over my usual weight. 10kg of that is already gone. 3.46kg of that is asleep in the lounge, I guess the rest was just assorted goo and a LOT of fluid retention.

The other 11kg I'd be happy to see disappear at 1kg a month, although the flubbery tummy had better be the first thing to go.

Kind of sucks to have no clothes that fit though ... worst is bras. I'm wearing some very old ones - 10 years old - and the lycra in the strap underneath is badly perished and they are a bit loose on the smallest hook so its either take them in some more, or spend a few $100 on some replacement ones. Underwear is expensive stuff :(

Hi Rumpled Elf,
I think this announcement may have gone over the head of some.... but CONGRATULATIONS!! Thats great news... "better out than in".
So, have you done a proper birth notice anywhere, so we have all the details..

Oh, and spend the money to get new bras! You'll feel so much better. You need all the support you can get! :D

