Hidden GoPro camera reveals what it's like to walk through NYC as a woman.

ok. instead of your favorite actor lets take a lookalike who you don't know, but think it's your favorite actor.

the fact that you decide to take a gender out to prove your point kinda shows that this got nothing to do with sexism:rolleyes:

My original post on this topic I stated that I believe it's more to do with harassment than sexism. It's still not acceptable behavior, but thank you for proving my point.
My original post on this topic I stated that I believe it's more to do with harassment than sexism.

ha?rass (h-rs, hrs)
tr.v. ha?rassed, ha?rass?ing, ha?rass?es
1. To irritate or torment persistently.
2. To wear out; exhaust.
3. To impede and exhaust (an enemy) by repeated attacks or raids.

But she wasn't really harassed. She might have felt uncomfortable walking through ghettos for 10 hours to be paid for the shoot but that comes with the job. The guy that followed her is out of line but most were polite and not abrasive. But it took TEN HOURS to find 1.5 minutes of footage in a ghetto of a major city?
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Street harassment isn't about men paying women complements and them getting pissy about it. It is about power. It is that simple.

If I walk alone down any street I will generate these comments, just as she did. Even wearing conservative clothing in "nice" neighbourhoods. These men feel entitled to your attention. If I ignore, I may be called names, but for the main part they will often let you be. If I respond in any way, they will take it as an "in" and follow you/continue to harass you. It may escalate either way though.

I'll just put this quote in "every instance of harassment contains the threat of violence".

Is it sexism? Well do men travel in groups to avoid this? Do men face this on a daily basis? Do men feel threatened walking down the street?

A PP mentioned children begging them when overseas. OK, now imagine that these children also carry a threat of violence, humiliation. Now imagine how happy you are to have them approach you. Every time any child comes close, you will be on edge, scared. Even if this particular child doesn't mean you harm. It is annoying, it is intimidating and it is a way of asserting power over women.

And yes, if Brad Pitt did this I would react the same way. It is not welcome.

No, put yourself in a room full of angry, entitled and gay bikies who find you very attractive and against whom you have no defence. Then you are entitled to have an opinion about feeling threatened.

Somersoft thread rule according to MrFab: no posting stats or links from any feminist sites such as hollaback or any sites that attempts to put the genders on an equal footing, but perfectly okay for MrFab to cite any manosphere woman-hating poppycock and call it fact. The manosphere not only doesn't defend a woman's right to be treated equally but worse it denigrates, belittles and incites hatred towards women.

Is it time to close down this thread?
ha?rass (h-rs, hrs)
tr.v. ha?rassed, ha?rass?ing, ha?rass?es
1. To irritate or torment persistently.
2. To wear out; exhaust.
3. To impede and exhaust (an enemy) by repeated attacks or raids.

But she wasn't really harassed. She might have felt uncomfortable walking through ghettos for 10 hours to be paid for the shoot but that comes with the job. The guy that followed her is out of line and a few guys came across sleezy but most were polite and not abrasive. But it took TEN HOURS to find 1.5 minutes of footage in a ghetto of a major city?

Yes, and those "few" sleezy ones that won't give up mean that for every other catcall, every other "complement" carried a threat to her. Thinking "what happens if this one follows me?", "what if this one starts shouting names at me?", "what if he attacks me?". If they are calling out to her, they are feeling entitled to her attention and time. Those types of people rarely take rejection well.
I'm a bit dismayed by the several suggestions that should Brad Pitt approach me on the street with the same comments as on that video, I would treat the approach any differently than if it was the men on the video. Only a man could make this suggestion. Wrong!!!

It is not the man making the suggestion, it is the "in your face" comment, the swagger, and the slight menace when they are ignored. But if she smiled, do you think they would let it go at that. She would have even more dudes following her, thinking they were in with a chance. Do you think any woman thinks these men want to sit down and have a cuppa with that young lady? Please!!!

Firstly, with the Brad Pitt comment, I gather you mean a good looking man, and are not just obsessed by Brad Pit. Secondly, any man on any street making those same comments, and following up with slightly hurt and/or aggressive comments if they are ignored, or following me when I'm simply walking along a street is not welcome, Brad Pitt or not, good looking or not.

For the record I don't think much of Brad Pitt's looks, so lets substitute him for my choice of actor. I still don't want to be hassled. I will agree that one "hello" is acceptable and if I ignore it, there is no need for a follow up "yo, not talking to me?" comment. Read my body language!

It is not rocket science.
Can I just add, if the intention is to make women feel better about themselves. Generally people don't do that by making others feel apprehensive. They are doing it for themselves. To make themselves feel better, more powerful, knowing she can/will do little about it.
Hey wylie, if a woman is hitting on me (well, being flirty in a kinda obvious way, which is womens version of hitting on someone) and I don't respond to it and she says to me 'What's the matter? Are you gay?' is that harassment?

What if I'm sitting next to a woman and she starts talking to me, then after a few minutes says to me 'You know you're being hit on, right?'

What about if I'm talking to a woman and she plants an unsolicited kiss on me?

What about if I'm standing around talking to a friend and a chick I barely even know walks past and kisses me on the cheek?

What about if a woman grabs my butt?

What about if a woman is trying to set me up with her friend and I don't reciprocate and she starts insulting me?

What if a woman tells me that she's in love with me, then gives me an unsolicited hug and won't let go, even after I ask her to?

What if I get wolf whistled at or have comments directed at me from girls driving past?

Because all of these things have happened to me before. Is any of that harassment?

P.S. My answer: No.
I expected better of you hobo jo; I thought you were more intelligent. That spiel was boring, boring, boring.
Just trying to counter balance some of the man hating going on in this thread :)

It's a shame that you think the inequality affecting males is "boring, boring, boring". Just imagine the disgust you'd feel if it was a man saying that about women's issues!

I agree some of the actions of the guys in the OP video are unacceptable (specifically those where the woman is followed), but I don't think men are solely responsible for inappropriate public behaviour (ever seen a hens night out on the town?).

Furthermore, as Molyneux points out toward the end of the video I linked, women have an opportunity to drive change in men by teaching their children how to treat the opposite sex (or more to the point how to show respect to all others).
It's a shame that you think the inequality affecting males is "boring, boring, boring". Just imagine the disgust you'd feel if it was a man saying that about women's issues!

Just trying to counter balance some of the man hating going on in this thread :)

Furthermore, as Molyneux points out toward the end of the video I linked, women have an opportunity to drive change in men by teaching their children how to treat the opposite sex (or more to the point how to show respect to all others).

Not man hating. Just hating the harassment.

Are you indicating that it is a women's responsibility to teach children how to treat others with respect? I don't know, how about if, umm, you know, the men maybe, um, help??.....
Not man hating. Just hating the harassment.

It's been pointed out several times that she was not 'harassed'.

If you check this Jewish girls' social media you can see she's an attention ho who says she doesn't want street harassment but almost every picture in her fb is of her wearing a low cut top while rocking a big chest with her tits hanging out and girlfriends praising like it's the suffrage movement. If she wasn't being paid for this gig then perhaps it's a simple case of attention whoring. I don't think she really cares about 'harassment' if she courts it with what she wears.




Are you indicating that it is a women's responsibility to teach children how to treat others with respect? I don't know, how about if, umm, you know, the men maybe, um, help??.....
It is the responsibility of both parents, I was just pointing out that women also have the opportunity to help shape the behaviour of their children and teach them acceptable boundaries.
It's been pointed out several times that she was not 'harassed'.

It has also been pointed out several times that she was.

I have no idea how you got onto this Jewish *womans* (not *girls*) social media. I and other women here were sharing our experiences with street harassment. So you go and post pics of a woman who you decided is "asking for it" and decide "case closed"? Huh? I don't follow.
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It is the responsibility of both parents, I was just pointing out that women also have the opportunity to help shape the behaviour of their children and teach them acceptable boundaries.

Hey Joseph, if you're not careful, you're gonna get sucked into a circular logic argument, my friend.