Seen any great movies lately

A couple more I saw recently that were pretty good:

Prisoners - great movie if a little disturbing

Captain Phillips - gripping all the way through

All is lost - Robert Redford is the sole actor in this and for a 77 year old he did a stellar job considering how physically demanding the acting would have been. Great movie.

Gravity was visually good too, more than a little unbelievable though. Makes you appreciate this little spinning piece of rock we live on.
Watched "Ememy at the Gates" tonight with No.1 son.

True WWII story about a Russian sniper who picked off loads of German soldiers at the battle of Stalingrad

Stalingrad was the second Russian city I have visited.. I was keen to go there after watching the movie you quoted and reading Anthony Beevor's book"Stalingrad"... A highly recommended book about the battle... He has a great style of writing which makes it an interesting read, and also lots of first hand descriptions of what people experienced....

Also they have on display the actual sniper's rifle in the war museum there...
Watched "Drive" on the weekend.

Not suitable for the kids or those opposed to violence.

Profound thought on violence ;)

" It's only when you see a mosquito landing on your test***s that you realize that there is always a way to solve problems without using violence. "
For escapist , almost a raiders of the lost arc type movie , guardians of the galaxy got the tick of approval from every one in our family , which is rare . Usually someone doesn't like most movies .

Lucy is interesting and thought provoking and will appeal to many , but leave some slightly unsatisfied . Seen it , enjoyed it , but not one I'd buy on DVD to watch again and again.

Agree with enemy at the gates , one of my all time favourites , along with the usual suspects and contact ( though I have to watch that at home as everyone else has seen it too often ...:eek: )


- The Strain
- Ray Donovan (my current favourite)
- The Leftovers
- Utopia (with Rob Sitch)
- The Killing

There is supposed to be another series called Utopia that's apparently really good, but I haven't seen that.
For all those that think once you hit the nursing home and life is going to slow down this Movie may change your mind iv'e never heard so much laughter in the Cinema for a long time..

The Hundred Year -Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared, its Swedish with English subtitles....

My girlfriend has just finished reading this book and loved it.....She's already insisted we go see it this weekend.....looks like fun.
The scene of him jumping out of the window reminded me of Morgan Freeman doing the same thing in Last Vegas, I felt I'd seen other scenes in the trailer also :confused:
The scene of him jumping out of the window reminded me of Morgan Freeman doing the same thing in Last Vegas, I felt I'd seen other scenes in the trailer also :confused:

The Chief in One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest. Such a great movie overall. Jack Nicholson is the man. Speaking of which, I watched The Shining again a few weeks ago, love that movie. Still haven't read the book yet, though.

Has anyone else seen the Machete movies? Danny Trejo + Robert Rodriguez is always a winning combination. New Sin City coming out soon, too. Although I didn't really like the first one.